Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Orientation in time
- Plant responses
- Photoperiodism
- Phytochrome
- Pr
- Pfr
- Abscission
- maintained by
growth inhibitor
abscisic acid
- broken by high
concentration of
- Flowering promoted by chilling (winter)
- Rhythms
- Zeitgeber
- The internal clock is reset
- Free running period
- Types
- Exogenous
- Endogenous
- Circannual
- Circalunar
- Circatidal
- Circadian
- Orientation in space
- T______________________
- Moving directly towards
or away from a stimulus
by moving its body side
to side.
- Moving toward or away
from a stimulus without
moving body side to
- K_____________
- O_____________________________
- K_______________________
- N____________________________
- nyctinasty
- H____________ and m______________
- Navigation mechanisms
- Visual cues
- Sound
- S__________ compass
- M________ compass
- S____________ compass
- M________________ field compass
- Relationships
- Intraspecific
- Cooperative
- Parental care strategies
- Poly___________
- Poly____________
- Poly_______________
- Mono___________
- Courtship
- Reproductive strategies
- E.g. birds
- E.g. mammals
- Group membership
- Competitive
- Aggressive
- Ago______________
- Territories
- Advantages
- Home range
- Hierarchies
- Advantages
- Competitive exclusion principle
- Interspecific
- Exploitation
- Predation
- Predator strategies
- Prey strategies
- Parasitism
- e.g. tapeworms
- E.g. lice
- E.g. cuckoos that lay their
eggs in other birds nests.
The other bird then
incubates and raises the
cuckoo young
- Herbivory
- Chemical defences
- Physical defences