WJEC History Key Dates - Nazi Germany


Nazi Germany Key Dates
Chris Osmundse
Mindmap von Chris Osmundse, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Chris Osmundse
Erstellt von Chris Osmundse vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

WJEC History Key Dates - Nazi Germany
  1. 1939
    1. Hitler Youth invaded
      1. Lebensraum
        1. Second world war starts
          1. End of appeasement
            1. Czechoslavakia
              1. Invasion of Poland
                1. Nazi/Soviet Pact
                2. 1933
                  1. March Elections
                    1. Enabling Act
                      1. Jewish Boycott
                        1. Reichstag Fire decree
                          1. Concentration Camps
                            1. Control of the Media
                              1. Book Burnings
                                1. Crushing of Trade Unions
                                  1. Reichstag Fire
                                    1. Day of Potsdam
                                    2. 1934
                                      1. Public Work Schemes
                                        1. Oath of Loyalty
                                          1. Night of the Long Knives
                                            1. Fuhrer
                                              1. Jews lose jobs
                                                1. Children already being indoctrinated
                                                  1. Hindenburg dies
                                                    1. 1933 Concordat
                                                    2. 1938
                                                      1. Sudenland
                                                        1. "Guns before butter"
                                                          1. Crystal Night
                                                            1. Preparing for war
                                                              1. Anschluss
                                                                1. Muniel Conference
                                                                  1. Euthanasia
                                                                  2. 1937
                                                                    1. Schacht resigns
                                                                      1. Treaty of Versailles ended
                                                                        1. Hossbach conference
                                                                          1. Women go back to work
                                                                            1. "Guns before butter"
                                                                            2. 1935
                                                                              1. Vote in Saar
                                                                                1. Nuremberg Rallies
                                                                                  1. Conscription
                                                                                    1. Reich Church
                                                                                      1. Nuremberg Laws
                                                                                      2. 1936
                                                                                        1. "Strength through Joy"
                                                                                          1. Reich Church
                                                                                            1. Berlin Olympics
                                                                                              1. Start of 4 year plan
                                                                                                1. Spanish Civil War
                                                                                                  1. "Guns before butter"
                                                                                                    1. Rhineland
                                                                                                      1. Rome-Berlin axis
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