Zusammenfassung der Ressource
WJEC History Key Dates - Nazi Germany
- 1939
- Hitler Youth invaded
- Lebensraum
- Second world war starts
- End of appeasement
- Czechoslavakia
- Invasion of Poland
- Nazi/Soviet Pact
- 1933
- March Elections
- Enabling Act
- Jewish Boycott
- Reichstag Fire decree
- Concentration Camps
- Control of the Media
- Book Burnings
- Crushing of Trade Unions
- Reichstag Fire
- Day of Potsdam
- 1934
- Public Work Schemes
- Oath of Loyalty
- Night of the Long Knives
- Fuhrer
- Jews lose jobs
- Children already being
- Hindenburg dies
- 1933 Concordat
- 1938
- Sudenland
- "Guns before butter"
- Crystal Night
- Preparing for war
- Anschluss
- Muniel Conference
- Euthanasia
- 1937
- Schacht resigns
- Treaty of Versailles
- Hossbach
- Women go back to work
- "Guns before butter"
- 1935
- Vote in Saar
- Nuremberg Rallies
- Conscription
- Reich Church
- Nuremberg Laws
- 1936
- "Strength through Joy"
- Reich Church
- Berlin Olympics
- Start of 4 year plan
- Spanish Civil War
- "Guns before butter"
- Rhineland
- Rome-Berlin axis