Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Freud's theory of personality.
- The ID: This is biologically
determined and the most
primitative part of personality. It
represents instinctual drives such
as food and water.
- It operates on the pleasure principle. It
seeks to obtain pleasure and avoid pain.
- The Ego: This results from
development and is an attempt to
adapt to the demands of the
outside world. It operates on the
reality principle.
- Gratification of needs are
postponed until the
appropriate time and place.
Often seen as attempting to
strike a balance between the
ID and the world.
- The Superego: This develops
around the age of 4-6.
Represents the individuals
framework of what is right and
wrong. Gathered from the
- It is comprised of the ego ideal and the
conscience. The ego ideal represents
the idea of what is virtuous behaviour. It
rewards good behaviour.
- The conscience watches over what is bad. It
interrupts and censors immoral impulses from the id
and punishes when we do something wrong.