Jessica Ortiz


Jessica Ortiz Honors Period 3 Multicultural Project
jessica ortiz
Mindmap von jessica ortiz, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
jessica ortiz
Erstellt von jessica ortiz vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Jessica Ortiz
  1. Dominant Cultures
    1. Family


      • Significant because my family has 
      1. History
        1. Italian


          • Significant because the belief that family is an important part of growing up stems from my roots in Italy. I have been raised by not only my parents, but also my grandparents, aunts, and uncles. My whole family is very close and looks out for one another, no matter what. My standards for friendships stem off of the values my heritage has has instilled in not only myself but also my entire family.
          1. Family-centered culture
            1. Great-Great Grandparents from Sicily, Italy and Nabilidan
            2. Mexican
              1. Great-Great Grandparents from Torreon, Mexico and Zacatecas, Mexico
                1. Treatment in America


              2. Norms
                1. Big parties for every holiday
                  1. Always revolve around food


                    • Multiple courses, coffee,  quality > quantity
                2. Expectations
                  1. Say hello and goodbye to everyone (even if you don't know them)
                    1. Be respectful to other people's oppinions
                      1. Always be on time
                        1. No opinion is wrong so long as you can support it
                        2. Divorced Family


                          • 40-50% of married couples divorce
                          1. Effects
                            1. "Compared to 30 years ago, Americans today place less value on obligation to others, on sacrifice, and on self-restraint. By contrast, we place more value on individualism, on self-expression and self-realization, and on personal choice."


                              1. "whether children thrive or founder [is due to] : (1) the level of conflict between parents, (2) ... whether parents involve their children in the fighting, (3) parents' inability to meet their children's needs, (4) parents' mental health, (5) the financial impact of the divorce, and (6) children's own perceptions about the divorce"


                              2. History of divorce in America


                              3. Defining Characteristics
                                1. Christianity


                                  • Significant because all of the beliefs within my religion define me as a person. While there are certain parts of my religion that some would argue do not spread ideas of tolerance and acceptance towards everyone, that is not what I believe. People interpret religious texts in different ways, and for me Christianity inspires me to be kind to others, to be confident, and to speak out for what's right.
                                  1. Beliefs
                                    1. Belief that everyone is created equal
                                      1. Be generous and help those in need
                                        1. Forgive others and do not hold grudges
                                  2. Friends


                                    • Significant because the people that I associate myself with have the same shared experiences I do. While we have our differences, all of us are aspiring leaders who, because of our differences, believe that we can make the future a place where everyone is accepted. This belief of equality tremendously impacts the way I treat others and perceive the future.
                                    1. Activities
                                      1. Go on adventures
                                        1. Traveling


                                          • We can all get pretty stressed out about life and school, so going out to explore the world is how we alleviate stress. We've looked at countless pieces of art and explored every place we can. It becomes a relief to know that no matter how stressful things can be, there is always an adventure within reach.
                                        2. Take pictures
                                          1. Photography


                                            • I enjoy taking photos of other people. A lot of how people perceive themselves is based on the images around them and how others view them. I find that models and magazines create this idea that you have to fit one image (tall, skinny, and white) to be beautiful. That's why I enjoy taking photos of everyday people. To show that there is beauty in the everyday person and that one's self esteem should not be based off of the narrow image of "beauty" the media portrays.
                                        3. All feminist
                                          1. Feminism


                                            • I believe that regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, everyone should be given the same rights. It is important to me because, from my religion, I believe that all men and women are created equal and because of that, nobody should be discriminated against for any reason.
                                              1. History


                                                1. First Wave
                                                  1. Main Goals


                                                    • 1. right to vote 2. right to own property 3. right to higher education creates 19th Amendment
                                                    1. Significant Figures


                                                      • Vindication of Women's Rights: a book advocating for making women equal through education and legal change written by Wollstonecraft: "education proportionate to position in society"
                                                    2. Second Wave
                                                      1. Main Goals


                                                        • Public Sphere: 1. Equality with men in economy, politics, and intellectual/social 2. Services for women (family, health care, reproductive, victims of violence, and child care) Private Sphere: 1. Men to share domestic duties 2. Sexual freedom
                                                        1. Significant Figures


                                                          • Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan: sparks second wave by questioning women's role (felt limited and oppressed by the role of homemaker) Sexual Politics by Kate Millett
                                                        2. Third Wave
                                                          1. Main Goals


                                                            • Expand feminism to all races and all social classes "Do what empowers you"
                                                        3. Defining Characteristics
                                                          1. Self-Expression
                                                            1. Free the Nipple
                                                              1. Reducing the over-sexualization of women in the meda
                                                              2. Equality for all
                                                                1. Breaking the glass ceiling
                                                                  1. Fixing the wage gap
                                                                    1. Sharing domestic duties
                                                                      1. Eliminating America's "Rape Culture"
                                                                    2. How they're perceived today


                                                                      • Implicit Attitudes Towards Feminism
                                                                      1. "A movement of powerful women is seen as threatening."


                                                                        • "What Feminism Means Today?"
                                                                        1. The "F" word


                                                                          • The "F" word: How the media frame feminism
                                                                          1. "Being cast as outsiders, troublemakers, even evil women, is inevitable since [feminist] challenge the very basis of a patriarchal society."


                                                                            •  When the world is viewed as a series of dualisms, those who do not fit the "good" qualifications (generally, male/white/middle class/Christian) automatically are cast as "bad." There are no shades of gray in this black-and-white world. For feminists, being cast as outsiders, troublemakers, even evil women, is inevitable since they challenge the very basis of a patriarchal society.
                                                                2. Subcultures
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