Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Behaviourist Approach
- Assumptions
- 1 - Behaviour can be explained in terms of classical
- Learning through association
- 2 - Behaviour can be explained in terms of operant
- Learning through reinforcement
- Skinner's Rats (1938)
- 1 - Rat pressing leaver resulted in rat receiving
food (reward) - Increased frequency of pressing
- 2 - Rat pressing leaver resulted in rat
receiving an electric shock (punishment) -
Decreased frequency of leaver
- Social Learning Theory of Aggression
- Albert Bandura
- He believed that we learn indirectly or vicariously - Observational
- Unlike Skinner who believed learning was the result of reinforcement
- Bandura also stated that children primarily learn aggressive behaviour through
- Bandura's Bobo Doll Study (1961)
- Motivation for Aggression
- Although the Bobo Doll study demonstrated observational learning, it doesn't tell us why the child may
be motivated.
- A classic experiment by Bandura and Walters in 1963 fills this
- Their experiment demonstrates that children also learn about the consequences of aggressive
behaviour by watching others be reinforced or punished
- This is called indirect or vicarious reinforcement