Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Cancer Control!.....
- Description & Why is it
an NHPA?
- Define: general term for a number of different
condition where uncontrolled mutation and
growth of cells threaten to damage other parts
of the body.
- abnormal cells grow and divide this could result in a tumour
- can turn to malignant
- can invade other cells
- secondary cancers known as metastasise
- eight types of cancer prostate, breast cancer,
colorectal cancer, lung cancer, melanoma, non
melanoma, caner of the cervix and non-Hodgkin’s
- It is an NHPA b/c Many cancers are
preventable, contributes to more YLL’s, largest
contributor to burden of disease and has
significant costs to the community and
- Costs
- Direct
- Individual
- Medical Treament
- Medication
- Community
- Medicare/PBS/PHI
- Health Programs
- Indirect
- Individual
- lost income
- lost time due to travel b/w appointments
- employing others
- Community
- lost tax revenue
- lost productivity
- welfare payments
- Intangible
- Individual
- pain and suffering
- anxiety for treatment
- missing school/work
- Community
- support
- sadness and despair
- Determinants
- Biological
- Body Weight
- relationship between
obesity and high rates of
cancer, including breast
and colorectal
- Age
- increase in age is a risk
- Genetic Predisposition
- more likely to develop
- Particular importance for certain
cancers such as breast and prostate
- Behavioural
- Tobacco Smoking
- Contribute to cancers in almost all parts of the body especially lungs
- Alcohol Consumption
- some cancers such as breast
- Low Fibre Diet
- increase colorectal risk
- fruit and veg are a protective factor
- Exposure to Sunlight
- increase skin cancer
- Infected with HPV
- risk for cervical
- vaccine available
- Sexually transmitted
- Physical Environment
- Access to recreational Facilities
- link to obesity> risk factor for cancers
- Work Environment
- outside job - skin cancer
- Exposure to hazardous substances - lung cancer
- Air quality
- 80 substances in air increase cancer risk
- industrial and major cities are at major risk
- Environmental Tobacco Smoke
- exposure creates a risk factor for cancer
- Climate
- UV rays are high
leading to skin
- Geographical Location of Resources
- cancer screenings contribute to early detection and higher survival rates
- rural and remote areas lack access of this
- Social
- Socioeconomic Status
- Low SES - smoke - lung cancer
- Food Security
- only afford processed foods
- high Sat fat increases colorectal risk
- Stress
- weakens
systems. Can
allow cancer
cells to develop
- Access to healthcare
- cultural
barriers &
lack of
restrict use
- latter or no
- some
need early
- Health Promotion
- Quit
- Breastscreen
- Movember
- National HPC Vaccine
- Sunsmart