Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Ontology
- Lived experience
- Dasein - being there
- People have no fixed
core /essence
- Rather - come into
existence through their
actions in the world
- Heavily influenced by
existentialist philosophy
- Heidegger
- Sartre
- Merleau Ponty
- Methodology
- Qualitative
- Analyse people's perception of
the world focusing on that
- Accepts the
ambiguity of
lived experience
- Seeks to recognise & reflect
complexity of experiences
- Methods
- Data collection of lived experience via
1st person accounts/interviews/literary
- Phenomenological analysis
- Epoché
- Role of researcher acknowledged
reflexively and reflected as
influence on findings
- Systematic identification of
themes with emphasis on lived
experience producing rich detail
- Unit of analysis
- Elicits detailed description
of life experience
- Analyse & develop ideas producing
vivid & detailed accounts of