Zusammenfassung der Ressource
1905 Revolution
- Causes
- Economical
- economic depression of
1902 led to unemployment
- created social tension
- Witte industralisation
gave workers low wages
- Wittes reforms encouraged ideas for
social and political reforms
- increase in taxes
caused outrage
among peasants
- Social
- food shortages from war
- harvest failures = famine
- increase in education led to spread
of revolutionary ideas
- poor working/living
conditions provoked
bloody sunday
- minorities wanted more
autonomy and end of
- students protested against
repressive government
- workers had long hours and little pay
- industralisation caused
rapid population growth
- Political
- Russo-Japanese war
February 1904
- food shortages
- unemployment
- high prices
- Tsarist repressive regime
- Nicholas encouraged
idea of reforms
- autocratic government
different from rest of
- Bloody Sunday massacre
- Tsar's troops fired on peaceful
revolutionaries outside palace
when Tsar was absent
- government seen as incompotent
- reformist groups formed
- SR wanted peasant
revolution to create socialism
around peasant communes
- SD wanted working classes
to stage revolution to create
socialist state, then
- Consequences
- October Manifesto
- put forward in fear
of being overthrown
- promised reforms and proposal
for an elected national parliament
- promised freedom of
speech, religion and
civil rights
- Fundamental laws
- 1906 creation of national
parliament with Duma elected
- article 87: Tsar had right to
govern by decree
- Dumas
- 1st 1906
- wanted major land
and political reform
- dissolved after 73 days
- 2nd 1907
- many reformers
- dissolved November 1907
- 3rd 1907-1912
- only wealthy could
vote for members
- Tsar faced little
demand for reform
- Black Hundreds
- antisemitic groups formed
- landowners, bueracrats, police
officials and clergymen
- raids against revolutionary
groups and Jews
- 1) St Petersburg strike
- 2) soviets appeared in
towns, strike committee
- 3) trade unions
illegally formed
- 4) peasants union
demanded land be common
property of the people
- 5) students striked
- 6) Japan defeats Russia
- 7) promise of national
assembly, but
opposition too large
- 8) workers on strike, set up
soviet with Trotsky
- 9) officials in ministry
and treasury striked
- 10) Tsar summoned Witte for help