Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Meaning
- is a collection of related
web pages, including
multimedia content
- Published on at least
one web server...
- Web pages, which are the building blocks of websites,
are documents, typically composed in plain text
interspersed with formatting instructions of
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML, XHTML).
- Websites have many functions and can be used in
various fashions; a website can be a personal
website, a commercial website for a company,.
- Components
- The navigation structure
- Front and Elements
- Images
- The page layout
- Logo
- Parts of a URL
- http:=protocol
- WWW= Sub-domain
- Google=domain
- .com=Top-level domain
- index. HTML=file path
- what is a domain of the web
- Many servers use a three-letter naming
convention for top-level domains, and they
are separated from sub-domains by a dot.
- examples
- .com
- .edu
- .mil
- .org
- .net
- .info
- what is a regional domiain
- examples
- .co
- .mx
- .eu