Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Roles in PE
- Organiser
- Main task-To bring together main ingredients
at the right time/place to maximise
promotion, participation and high quelity
- Complete risk assessments and safe practice
- Can work in a team including co-operation, adaptability and delegation
- Involves competence in managing and
organising facilities, times and personnel
- Player/Performer
- Outwitting opponents
- e.g. football, rugby, netball
- Accurate replication of
actions, phrases and
- e.g. diving, trampolining, gymnastics
- Exploring and
communicating ideas,
concepts and emotions
- e.g. country dance, street dance, ice dance
- Performing at maximum levels
in relation to speed, height,
distance, strength or accuracy
- e.g. athletics, archery, golf, track cycling
- Identifying and solving pfroblems to
overcome challanges of on
adventurous nature
- e.g. climbing, canoeing, orienteering,
- Exercing safely and
effectively to improve
health and well-being
- e.g. circuit training, yoga, weight
- Choreographer
- Have a profession in dance so they
can asses dancer/s and create
- Determine the needs of dancers to
make them better
- Have a good taste of music
- Can visualise individual and/or group performance
- Official
- To ensure players perform within the rules
- Have sole responsability to decide when an infringement
occurs will decide and apportion blame and enforce the
appropriate penalty
- Keep up to date with the rules changes
- Have to act in a unbiased capacity
- Types of officials
- Referee/Umpire
- Judge
- Marshal/Steward
- Scorer/Timekeeper/Recorder
- Leader/Coach
- To train and control a group/individual performer to make
them the best they can be
- They lead fitness sessions
- Understand the way people learn and how they are
- Can adapt activities/conditioning games and change the rules to aid skill