Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Blood brothers
- Mrs Johnstone
- Loving mother
- Values people over money
- Cant say not when it comes to her children
- Uneducated
- Trapped in poverty
- Themes
- Working class
- Love
- Superstition
- Shoes on table
- Nature Vs Nurture
- Poverty Cycle
- Setting
- Liverpool
- 25% unemployment
- 1980s
- Mrs Lyons
- manipulative
- married
- cant have kids
- Unstable
- Narrator
- Takes on Any roles
- Alerts people to the Themes
- Knows what is going to happen
- Mr Lyons
- Is never There
- Characterized by his absences and what he lets Mrs Lyons get away with not by what he does
- Lets Mrs Lyons get what she wants
- "the house is you domain"