Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Light Dependent Reaction
- Electrons in Chlorophyl A gain
energy from electrons
- Photolysis of water
- 2H2O -> 4H+ + 4e- + O2
- Increase the conc. of
protons in thylakoid
- Protons only cross
membrane through ATP
synthase channels
- Structure of enzyme
changes catalysing
the reaction of ADP +
Pi -> ATP
- Protons are taken up by NADP becoming
reduced NADP which goes on to next
- Calvin Cycle
- CO2 diffuses into stroma
- Reacts with RuBP to give 2
molecule of GP
- Glycerate Phosphate
- Carbon fixation
- Reduced NADP reduces GP to TP
using energy from ATP
- NADP is reformed and goes
back to light-dependent reaction
- Some TP molecules are converted to organic
- Eg. Glucose
- Most TP are used to regenerate RuBP
using ATP from light dependent