Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Jimmy's farm
- Products it sells
- Cheese
- Olives
- Cured meats
- Pastries
- Paté
- Sausages
- Activities the place offers
- Educational talks
- Comedy nights
- Nature trails
- Woodland walks
- Butterfly house
- Christmas festivals
- Music food
- Gardening
- Halloween week
- Harvest festivals
- What is the place like today?
- Farm with lots of animals
for the nature trail, farm
shop with local produce. A
5 star restaurant and
gardening and gift shops
- 150 acres of farmland - half of which is woodland
- History of the farm
- People lived here
and lived on the
land to get what they
needed, the land
then became unused
and Jimmy took over
it in 2002.
- People got to hear and know about it through his television programme
- In the past the
government paid the
people on the old farm
not to produce food as
there was too much
being produced and
not enough being sold
- Jimmy wanted to set up the pig farm in order to try and save the Essex saddle back pig from becoming extinct
- Need to make a lot of profit to keep the business going
- To help the profit Jimmy diversified the
farm by bringing in new animals and crops
- At first Jimmy took the meat he had produced to London and sold it on markets and street corners
- Soon created a farmers shop so he didn't have to pay the continuous cost of travel
- Cooked the meat and
sold it as a gas bbq
outside the farm so
people could try it out
- Soon after setting
up the farm he built
a kitchen and a first
class restaurant
- Tourism was led by the nature trail and the example farm-like animals
- Animals selected depending on if you could eat them
- Jimmy has a degree and studied butterflies,
insects and small creatures and was going for
a PHD in this before he took over the farm