1st TERM


vocabulary exam
Nacho Manzaneque
Mindmap von Nacho Manzaneque, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Nacho Manzaneque
Erstellt von Nacho Manzaneque vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

1st TERM
    1. Laptop a portable microcomputer small enough to rest on the lap.
      1. Wireless:transmitting messages or signals by electromagnetic waves.
        1. Plug: to connect to an electrical power source.
          1. Socket: it's the place that you use to plug in and recive conexion or energy to your movilephone or computer etc...
          2. USB drive
            1. 8. Headphones:a flexible metallic strap passing over the head/ earphones:a sound receiver, as of a radio or telephone, that fits in or over the ear.
              1. Speakers: is an object usit to make the music go out side and helps you to listen louder or lower.
                1. Scroll up/down(mover arriva y abajo la pantalla con la flecha)-MOVE THE CURSOR UP AND DOWN
                  1. Plug in (enchufar algo): to connect to an electrical power source:
                    1. Log on (conectarse a algo) (start working with your computer)
                      1. Search-look for info
                        1. Move the cursor
                          1. Save (guarder)(as) : to keep something
                            1. Open: the opposite of close
                              1. Copy and paste/cut and paste ( copier y pegar)
                                1. Delete: to cancel something written
                                  1. Shut down(apagar el ordenador): to turn of the computer.
                                    1. Connect –disconnect(conectar y desconectar)
                                      1. Configure : to set up a piece of software
                                        1. Create : to do something new
                                          1.  Format: to prepare (a computer disk) for writing and reading.
                                      2. ON THE SCREEN
                                        1. Scroll bar:
                                          1. Documents:
                                            1. Icons:
                                              1. Desktop: is apart of the computer that you use it for write on it.
                                                1. Folders/file:
                                                  1. Toolbar:
                                                2. (Drop down) menu:
                                                  1. Window:
                          2. COMPUTER VERBS
                        2. CD drive: this is the place were you can insert the CD's
                    2. CABLE:a cord of metal wire used to carry electrical power, etc.:
                      1. Keyboard:is a part of the computer that has keys in order to type(escribir) on the computer.
                        1. Mouse: you use this to move the cursor in the computer.
                          1. USB stick: this is an object that you use to insert your computer informacion in another with this.
                            1. Keys: we use this to to type (data) into a computer:
                          2. Charger: the machine that produce battery
                            1. Hard disk: rigid disk built into a personal computer for storing computer programs
                        2. Cursor:a movable, usually blinking, symbol on a computer screen,
                          1. Screen: the part of the desktop f the computer
                          1. • Eating habits
                            1. • Frequency words (always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never) • Dairy products • Poultry • Meals, snacks • Starter • Main course • desert
                            2. • Vocabulary on text pages 8 and 9
                              1. • Dictionary corner page 9
                                1. good at , help me with , able to , fond of, forward to , I'm beginning to.
                                  1. I’m looking forward seeing you ,I’m fond of playing tennis, I’am staying out of line,what have you beeing up to?,
                                2. • Vocabulary on the listening pages 10 and 11
                                  1. art, history ,geography, science ,computer studies , PE ,music, maths
                                    1. 1 1.Subject(d)¬:something you learnt at school, such as maths. - What you have learnt at school such as maths. 2. Lesson (f):a short period of time in which you study a subject. - It’s a period of approximately 50-60m in which subjects are taught. 3. Course (a): a series of lessons in a subject 4. Break (b): a period of rest between lessons at school 5 timetable (g): a schedule /programmer of lessons, courses, etc. Report (e) a document written by a teacher about a student’s progress. Revision (C) the studying of something again, often before an exam, etc….
                                      1. Dictionary corner on page 11
                                  2. present simple present continuos
                                    1. gramar
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