Created by Laura Maestro
over 10 years ago
Copied by maya velasquez
over 10 years ago
Question | Answer |
don´t bother to do something | don´t do it because it seems too much effort (bother: molestarse en) |
bribe | money or a present that you offer to someone so that they will do something for you (soborno) |
call it a day | stop doing something (dar por terminado) |
commute | travel regularly to and from a place where you work |
convict | decide in a court that someone is guilty of a crime (condenar) |
counsellor | someone whose job is to talk to people who have problems and give them help and advice (terapeuta) |
falling-out | disagreement (desacuerdo, diferencia) (caída) |
flick through | turn the pages quickly, looking at some of the pages but nor reading everything (ojear) |
glance | look at it quickly (ojeada, mirada, vistazo) |
kick out | tell someone to to leave a place (echar) |
knock out | make someone leave a competition by defeating them |
overreact | be more annoyed or upset about something than is really necessary (exagerar) |
patch | period of time (momento, periodo, racha) (*parche) |
rought | difficult, there are lots of problems |
good or bad run | period of time when things go well or badly for you |
upbringing | way your parents look after you and taught you to behave (crianza, educación) |
boundary | limit that tells you which activities or types or behavior are acceptable and which are not (límite, frontera) |
compromise | end an argument by accepting that you cannot have everything that you want (mutuo acuerdo) |
defensive | angry because they think that someone is criticising them |
disruptive | someone who causes difficulties and prevents things from happening normally (perturbador) |
lose face/save face | lose people´s respect and seem weak or foolish/keep people´s respect |
flashpoint | situation in which there might be serious problems such as arguments or violence (detonante de violencia) (*punto de combustion) |
gesture | movement of your body that communicates a meaning (gesto, expresión) |
get your own way | get what you want (salirse con la suya) |
grace | kind and polite behavior |
ground | subjects and ideas you discuss in a discussion (*suelo) |
irrational | not sensible, done without any good reason |
laid-back | calm and relaxed |
lighten up | become more relaxed and less worried (relajarse) (*aclarar, iluminar) |
move on | go to the next place, start doing the next thing or start discussing the next subject |
put off | delay something until a later time (posponer) (*desalentar) |
resort | do something because other things have not been successful (recurrir) (*centro turístico) |
for the sake of | for the purpose of something, for a person benefit |
set out | intend (planificar) to do something or or try to do it (disponerse a) |
slob | someone who is extremely lazy and untidy (guarro, desaliñado) |
steer through a situation | control or influence the way things happen (conducir, manejar) |
tantrum | when a young child behaves in a very andry and unseasonable way (berrinche, rabieta) |
toddler | young child who is learning to walk (bebé mayor) |
underlying | something that exist but is not is not very obvious and is nor stated directly (subyacente) |
vain | someone very proud who think that he is very attractive or special in some way (superficial, banal, egoísta) |
ashes | someone´s: remains when their body has been cremated after their death |
blossom | flowers on a tree |
bury | put someone´s body in the ground after they died |
cementery | place where the bodies of dead people are buried |
coffin | box in which the body of a dead person is buried of cremated |
condolences | things you say to someone to show sympathy (compasión, condolencias) when a person has died |
cremate | burn someone´s body after their have died |
dawn | beginning of the day (alba, amanecer) |
dignitary | important official (official=funcionario) |
draining | something that makes you feel extremely tired |
elaborate | something very complicated |
feasting | eating and drinking a lot to celebrate a special occasion (festín, banquete) |
grave | place when someone is buried (tumba, sepultura) |
leave | period of time when you do not have to go work |
lengthy | very long |
maternity/paternity | designed to help women who are pregnant or have just had a baby/men |
mourner | someone who goes to a funeral (doliente, que se lamenta) |
scan | medical test which use special equipment to make a picture of the inside of someone´s body |
scatter | throw ir so that it spreads over a large area (dispersar) |
straightforward | simple, with no problems or difficulties (directo) |
toast | occasion when people drink together to celebrate something or to wish people luck (brindis) |
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