

A-Levels Geography (Rebranding) Mindmap am Birmingham, erstellt von Jodie Goodacre am 01/05/2013.
Jodie Goodacre
Mindmap von Jodie Goodacre, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jodie Goodacre
Erstellt von Jodie Goodacre vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. The bull ring
    1. Clean
      1. Tidy
        1. Lack of independent shops
        2. The mailbox
          1. Posh
            1. Clean
              1. Inviting
                1. Quite
                  1. 24 hours car park
                    1. Ban on cyclists
                    2. Victoria square
                      1. Very open
                        1. Traditional
                          1. Green space
                            1. Link between places
                            2. International convention centre
                              1. Warm
                                1. Tidy
                                  1. Pretty
                                    1. Sheltered
                                      1. Inviting
                                        1. Lots of steps
                                          1. Lack of signs
                                          2. Chancery square
                                            1. Open space
                                              1. Good directions and links to other places
                                                1. Built up
                                                  1. Little green space
                                                  2. Sense of community - We went on Armistice Day and a large amount of citizens were around the memorial to remember lost heroes
                                                    1. There is a diversity of age range and ethnicity groups
                                                      1. Food festivals
                                                        1. Chain shops
                                                          1. High rise buildings
                                                            1. Central library
                                                              1. Cafés
                                                                1. Squares
                                                                  1. No traffic allowed in city centre
                                                                    1. Busy
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