Influence on your healthy, active lifestyle


GCSE PE (1.1.2) Mindmap am Influence on your healthy, active lifestyle, erstellt von mhancoc3 am 21/03/2014.
Mindmap von mhancoc3, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von mhancoc3 vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Influence on your healthy, active lifestyle
  1. Influences on taking part
    1. 1) People
      1. Influenced by others
        1. Family - Children take part in the same as their parents and follow similar sports or teams
          1. Peers - People the same age may encourage others to take part in 'cool' sports
            1. Role Models - Successful sportsmen as you want to be just like them and succeed the way that they have
            2. 2) Image
              1. Fashion - equipment has fashionable brands, and some sports are more fashionable than others
                1. Media - Media coverage is able to influence what sports are in fashion. Tennis is popular around Wimbledon
                2. 3) Cultural Factors
                  1. Disability - Resources and opportunities for the disabled are limited.
                    1. Age - affects performance. Some sports have age restrictions such as the fact that you have to be 18 to run the London Marathon
                      1. Gender - Some activities are more or less exclusively male or female. Boys may struggle to find a netball team but girls rugby may not be taken seriously.
                      2. 4) Resources
                        1. Availability - resources and facilities must be available
                          1. Location - what is locally available
                            1. Access - facilities must be accessible (eg. public transport)
                              1. Time - facilities and lessons should be open at the right time
                              2. 5) Health and Wellbeing
                                1. Illness - ill individuals can not take part
                                  1. Health Problems - people with asthma may not take part in running or the like.
                                  2. 6) Socio-economics
                                    1. Cost - equipment, travel, training costs, etc.
                                      1. Status - if employed, you would have less time
                                    2. Opportunities for Getting involved in sport
                                      1. Possible roles
                                        1. Teaching
                                          1. officiating
                                            1. Volunteering
                                            2. Initiatives to keep people involved
                                              1. Government initiatives - 2 hours PE a week in school by law.
                                                1. PE school sport and club links (PESSCL) - 5 - 16 year olds get more opportunities through their school
                                                  1. School Sport Partnerships - schools help each other by running competitions
                                                    1. Sport England - Start, Stay and Succeed
                                                      1. Start - getting more people involved to create a healthy nation
                                                        1. Stay - retain people through an effective network of opportunities
                                                          1. Succeed - create opportunities to let talented athletes achieve
                                                          2. The Youth Sport Trust TOP Link - encourage people of all abilities to get involved. Aim at 14-16 year olds to organise things for primary school.
                                                            1. Active Kids Programme - supermarket vouchers is used by schools to buy equipment
                                                          3. The sport Participation pyramid
                                                            1. Foundation - base. Most participants are learning a sport. Eg. Primary PE lessons, Sport centre lessons, etc. This is where most people begin to have good habits.
                                                              1. Participation - young people participate regularly for enjoyment. Eg. after school clubs, joining an out of school club
                                                                1. Performance - young people begin to concentrate on specific skills to improve. Eg. Coached at a club, etc.
                                                                  1. Elite/Excellence - Sporting Excellence, Eg. Regional, national or international squad
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