Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Influence on your healthy, active lifestyle
- Influences on taking part
- 1) People
- Influenced by others
- Family - Children take part in the
same as their parents and follow
similar sports or teams
- Peers - People the
same age may
encourage others to
take part in 'cool' sports
- Role Models -
sportsmen as you
want to be just like
them and succeed
the way that they
- 2) Image
- Fashion - equipment has
fashionable brands, and some sports
are more fashionable than others
- Media - Media coverage is able
to influence what sports are in
fashion. Tennis is popular around
- 3) Cultural Factors
- Disability - Resources
and opportunities for the
disabled are limited.
- Age - affects performance.
Some sports have age
restrictions such as the fact
that you have to be 18 to run
the London Marathon
- Gender - Some activities are more
or less exclusively male or female.
Boys may struggle to find a netball
team but girls rugby may not be
taken seriously.
- 4) Resources
- Availability -
resources and
facilities must be
- Location - what is
locally available
- Access -
facilities must
(eg. public
- Time -
and lessons
should be
open at the
right time
- 5) Health and Wellbeing
- Illness - ill
individuals can not
take part
- Health Problems -
people with asthma
may not take part in
running or the like.
- 6) Socio-economics
- Cost -
costs, etc.
- Status - if employed, you
would have less time
- Opportunities for Getting involved in sport
- Possible roles
- Teaching
- officiating
- Volunteering
- Initiatives to keep people involved
- Government initiatives -
2 hours PE a week in
school by law.
- PE school sport and club links
(PESSCL) - 5 - 16 year olds get
more opportunities through their
- School Sport
Partnerships - schools
help each other by running
- Sport England - Start, Stay and Succeed
- Start - getting more
people involved to create
a healthy nation
- Stay - retain people through
an effective network of
- Succeed - create
opportunities to let
talented athletes
- The Youth Sport
Trust TOP Link -
encourage people of
all abilities to get
involved. Aim at 14-16
year olds to organise
things for primary
- Active Kids
Programme -
vouchers is used
by schools to buy
- The sport Participation pyramid
- Foundation - base. Most participants are learning a sport. Eg. Primary PE lessons,
Sport centre lessons, etc. This is where most people begin to have good habits.
- Participation - young people participate regularly for
enjoyment. Eg. after school clubs, joining an out of school club
- Performance - young people begin to
concentrate on specific skills to improve.
Eg. Coached at a club, etc.
- Elite/Excellence - Sporting
Excellence, Eg. Regional,
national or international squad