Main characters


AS levels Z - English AS (Mrs Dalloway) Mindmap am Main characters, erstellt von Izzy Simmons am 01/05/2013.
Izzy Simmons
Mindmap von Izzy Simmons, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Izzy Simmons
Erstellt von Izzy Simmons vor fast 12 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Main characters
  1. Clarissa Dalloway
    1. Relationship with Peter
      1. Knows it would have never worked


        • "at this age they would have been arguing every night"
        1. Wishes she could live life again


          • "she had lived a life in that moment, and now it was over" CHECK
        2. Need for privacy
          1. Perceived shallowness
          2. Richard Dalloway
            1. Septimus Warren-Smith
              1. Peter Walsh
                1. Sally Seton
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                  Izzy Simmons
                  Narrative techniques
                  Izzy Simmons
                  Character links
                  Izzy Simmons
                  Woolf uses external events to reveal the inner lives of her characters
                  Izzy Simmons
                  Part 8
                  Izzy Simmons
                  When they are young, Sally and Clarissa "speak of marriage as a catastrophe"
                  Izzy Simmons
                  Part 1
                  Izzy Simmons
                  Part 3
                  Izzy Simmons
                  Part 4
                  Izzy Simmons
                  Part 5
                  Izzy Simmons