Main characters


AS levels Z - English AS (Mrs Dalloway) Mindmap am Main characters, erstellt von Izzy Simmons am 01/05/2013.
Izzy Simmons
Mindmap von Izzy Simmons, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Izzy Simmons
Erstellt von Izzy Simmons vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Main characters
  1. Clarissa Dalloway
    1. Relationship with Peter
      1. Knows it would have never worked


        • "at this age they would have been arguing every night"
        1. Wishes she could live life again


          • "she had lived a life in that moment, and now it was over" CHECK
        2. Need for privacy
          1. Perceived shallowness
          2. Richard Dalloway
            1. Septimus Warren-Smith
              1. Peter Walsh
                1. Sally Seton
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                  ähnlicher Inhalt

                  Important quotations
                  Izzy Simmons
                  Izzy Simmons
                  Narrative techniques
                  Izzy Simmons
                  Character links
                  Izzy Simmons
                  Woolf uses external events to reveal the inner lives of her characters
                  Izzy Simmons
                  When they are young, Sally and Clarissa "speak of marriage as a catastrophe"
                  Izzy Simmons
                  Part 1
                  Izzy Simmons
                  Part 3
                  Izzy Simmons
                  Part 4
                  Izzy Simmons
                  Part 5
                  Izzy Simmons
                  Part 10
                  Izzy Simmons