Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Trigiminal nerve distribution in the
face * sensory nerve supply of face
- opthalmic
- lacrimial
- plabebral to latral part of
the upper eye lid
- nasociliary
- extrnal nasal to tip of nose
- infra trochlear to upper part of
dorsum nose
- frontal
- supral orbital to the central part
of the upper eye lid
- supra torchlear to the medial part of the
upper eye lid and skin of the fore head
- Maxilary division
- zygomatico facial the overlying skin
- zygomatico tempral of the temporal fossa
- infraorbital
- plalbebral to the lower eye lid
- nasl to side of nose
- libial to the upper lip
- ,mandibular division
- auriculo tempral to tragus and
skin over temprolis
- mental to skin of lower lip and
- buccal to skin& m.m of