1.The Old Regime


the old regime was the economic and political system found up to the 18thC
Noelia Fernández
Mindmap von Noelia Fernández, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Noelia Fernández
Erstellt von Noelia Fernández vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

1.The Old Regime
  1. The Old Regime (up to 18th C)
    1. Society of States
      1. Nobility
        1. High nobility(high possitions)
          1. Low nobility(less money)
          2. Clergy
            1. High(archbishops)
              1. Low(priests)
              2. Commoners(third state)
                1. Bourgeoise(doctors,artisans..)
                  1. Peasantry(largest group)
                2. The agrarian sector
                  1. Crop agriculture and livestock farming
                    1. Peasants practised it
                      1. Lands belong to nobles
                      2. Artisanal activity and trade
                        1. Guilds:controlled artisanal activity
                          1. Domestic system(new)
                            1. Royal factories:luxury
                              1. Foreign trade:exchange
                                1. Triangular trade: Africa-Europe-America
                              2. Systems of goverment
                                1. Absolutism
                                  1. system of goverment in 18th C
                                    1. Monarchs held the full powers
                                      1. Mercantilism: fixed trade price
                                      2. English parliamentarism
                                        1. English Civil War(Charles 1 executed)
                                          1. Glorious Revolution
                                            1. New Parliamentary system
                                              1. Not ruler alone
                                                1. Bill of Rights
                                                  1. Separation of powers
                                                2. The Dutch Republic
                                                  1. Separation of seven provinces in N Netherlands
                                                    1. Own Parliament
                                                      1. Assembled at Estates General
                                                  2. The Enlightenment
                                                    1. The War of Spanish Succession
                                                      1. Enlightened depotism in Spain
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