River Processes and Lanforms: Case study- River don flood Sheffield 2007-


GCSE Geography Mindmap am River Processes and Lanforms: Case study- River don flood Sheffield 2007-, erstellt von Megan Holly am 11/10/2016.
Megan Holly
Mindmap von Megan Holly, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Megan Holly
Erstellt von Megan Holly vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

River Processes and Lanforms: Case study- River don flood Sheffield 2007-
  1. Freeze Thaw:
    1. In cold winter months rain enters a crack in a rock and freezes. Freezing exerts pressure on the rock and eventually causes it to break into many small pieces.
    2. Overhang:
      1. Eventually overhanging rock will collapse and will make the waterfall become steeper. If it continues to happen the position of the waterfall will move upstream.
      2. Undercutting:
        1. The water flows down over resistant rock when it reaches less resistant rock underneath , it erodes it away cutting back in the rock creating the overhang above.
        2. Plunge Pool:
          1. Its at the foot of the waterfall where an area of deep water is created by rapid erosion of the mudstone as the water plunges down. The higher the waterfall the greater teh speed of erosion due to the higher speed the water is travelling at.
          2. Mudstone:
            1. Where rivers flow over rocks at different resistances the softer rock will be eroded away quicker. Mudstone wears awake quick creating a step whcih gradually becomes deeper.
            2. Ox-bow Lake:
              1. Some land is eroded away which creates a quicker route for water to flow round.
              2. Meanders:
                1. As the river erodes laterally from left to right it creates bends in the river that look like a horse shoe shape.
                2. Interlocking Spurs:
                  1. As the river erodes the landscape it winds and bends to avoid areas of hard rock.
                  2. 'V' Shaped Valleys:
                    1. Is in the upper course of the river and is where vertical erosion occurs making it deeper and the valleys still steeper.
                    2. Delta:
                      1. Its found at the mouth of a river and is formed when material is deposited faster than what the sea can remove it at.
                      2. Floodplains:
                        1. Floodplain is the area around a river that is affected when it floods.
                        2. Drainage Basin:
                          1. Drainage basin is the area of land that is drained by a river.
                          2. Catchment Area:
                            1. Catchment area is the area with the drainage basin.
                            2. Tributary:
                              1. Is a stream or small river that joins onto a larger river.
                              2. Source:
                                1. A source is the beginning of a river.
                                2. Mouth:
                                  1. The mouth of a river is where it comes to an end or where it enters the sea.
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