Behind the Growth in Materials Requirements Planning


Mindmap am Behind the Growth in Materials Requirements Planning, erstellt von María Villagómez am 12/10/2016.
María Villagómez
Mindmap von María Villagómez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
María Villagómez
Erstellt von María Villagómez vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Behind the Growth in Materials Requirements Planning
  1. A system to plan and control production and materials flows
    1. The demand for materials, parts and components depends on the demand for an end product
      1. Plan and control great number of products and parts that may interact with one another
      2. Elements
        1. Master Production Schedule
          1. It indicates when end items should be assembled to comply with requirements
          2. Bill of Materials File
            1. Information about every part and relation with other parts
            2. Inventory Status File
              1. Record of the actual inventory and lead times
              2. Materials requirements planning package
              3. Advantages
                1. Keeping priorities straight
                  1. Keeping inventories low
                    1. Early warning
                      1. Long-range planning
                      2. María Fernanda Villagómez Andrés Dobarganes Antoine Loiret
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