Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Causes
- Short-term
- Martin Luther
- Questioned indulgence sales and the wealth of the Church
- 95 Theses
- pinned to the door of the church of Wittenberg
- Statements on points of difference between belief and reality
- Excommunicated by the Pope (Leo X)
- German people protected him
- Long-term
- Black Death
- 1.4 million deaths, including many priests
- no cure
- the Church had no religious explanaion
- Pope's power began to decline
- rise of powerful kings
- Babylonian Captivity
- Pope "stuck" in Avignon for 70 years
- election of two popes
- Italian Church
- French Church
- Increasing importance of other aspects of
- Crusades
- Discovery of America, the "New World" (1492)
- Many discovery voyages, travels
- Renaissance
- People starting to lose interest in religion
- Invention of printing press (Gutenberg 1436)
- Ideas spread even faster than before
- Opportunity for many people po popularise their handwork, ideas, books
- Two major protestants against the Church
- John Wycliffe
- the Pope is not Christ's represantative
- christian people can only be guided by the Holy Bible
- Followers: Lollards
- John Huss
- follower of John Wycliffe's teachings
- Spread John's writings across Bohemia
- his burning led to a very long protest named the Hussite Wars