Birds of a Feather: Approaches and Methods for Teaching ESL


Education Mindmap am Birds of a Feather: Approaches and Methods for Teaching ESL, erstellt von Erin McGough am 18/10/2016.
Erin McGough
Mindmap von Erin McGough, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erin McGough
Erstellt von Erin McGough vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Birds of a Feather: Approaches and Methods for Teaching ESL
  1. Balanced Reading Approach
    1. provides both phonics and whole language according to student needs
      1. this approach is used in CALLA
      2. Inquiry Approaches
        1. Students investigate questions and problems of personal interest
          1. like CALLA, Inquiry Approaches are learner-centered & provide experiential learning built on prior knowledge
          2. Process Writing
            1. assists writers in all content subject areas
              1. this strategy is recommended for use in CALLA classrooms
                1. students learn that writing involves thinking, reflection, and multiple revisions
                2. Language Experience Approach
                  1. helps develop initial language & literacy
                      1. similar to CALLA approach to literacy development
                        1. prior experiences used as a bridge to new ideas and concepts
                        2. Literacy Across the Curriculum
                          1. Like CALLA, teaches language in every content subject
                            1. integrates literacy and content instruction
                            2. Standards-Based Instruction
                              1. Lesson topics based on national/state standards in the different content subjects
                                1. similar to literacy across the curriculum because they both include a focus on literacy in all content areas
                                2. CALLA
                                  1. 3 main components
                                    1. content-based curriculum
                                      1. learning strategies instruction
                                        1. academic language and literacy development
                                      2. Cooperative Learning
                                        1. important part of CALLA lessons
                                          1. students work together in groups to complete learning tasks
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