Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Topic 1 - Background to Mark's Gospel
- Literalism - the direct word of God
- Fundamentalism - put fundamental beliefs into practice
- Conservatism - not the direct word of God
- Liberalism - open to faults and errors
- Preserve the WoG, Encourage believers, Accurate events, Persecuted Christians
- Nature of Mark's Gospel
- to develop/strengthen faith
- proclaim good news about Jesus
- Why was it written?
- Jesus shared stories orally, people wrote them down so they didn't forget
- share the faith with others
- Mark wrote his Gospel after Peters death in AD65
- Different Views of the Gospel
- Religious Background
- Sanhedrin - Jewish court of law made up of 72 men (both backgrounds)
- Pharisees - they believed Jesus was a warrior, the followed the Oral law
- Sadducees - they didn't believe in the Messiah, the Afterlife or Ressurections
- Opposition and Persecution
- Christians were believed to be anti-social, immoral, a threat to the slave trade
- Religious Background
- Temple - one temple in Jerusalem (holy place)
- Rabbi - 'teacher' who leads the Synangogue
- Proof of Jesus' Real Words
- Jesus spoke Aramaic, and Mark quoted him using Aramaic in his Gospel
- How Christianity Came to Jerusalem
- Church was mainly Jews
- Then it appealed to non-Jews
- People dissatisfied with existing religions were attracted to Christianity
- People converted to Christianity and then told their faith to others
- Overlooked people formed a social underclass
- People of different ethnicity lined together in Rome