

Mindmap am Greece, erstellt von valeria sanchez am 21/10/2016.
valeria sanchez
Mindmap von valeria sanchez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
valeria sanchez
Erstellt von valeria sanchez vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Singapore
    1. Cultural
      1. Exclusives: Give information in the meetings about yourself. Interrupt in the meetings. Do haggling Formal ritual.
        1. Imperatives: Maintain direct eye contact. Be friendly and hospitable. Establish a good relation because Greeks prefer do business with someone known and trustworthy.
          1. Electives: Give information in the meetings about yourself. Interrupt in the meetings. Do haggling
          2. General consumer behavior
            1. They spend a big amount of money per month in purchases. E-commerce is common.
            2. M-time Culture
              1. Appointments should be made 2 weeks in advance. telephone, fax, or e-mail. But in meetings they give minutos to respond the questions
            3. Cultural
              1. Exclusives: Strong hierarchical relationships. Don´t touch women in public(Muslim).
                1. Imperatives: Make a good relationship. Respect anyone. Trust non-verbal messages more than the spoken word. Silence
                  1. Electives: Having face. In all situations. Give and receive special consideration.
                  2. General consumer behavior
                    1. Greeks have Brand loyalty. The behavior Change depends of the time or environment. In crisis, people restrict their purchases to the bare necessities.
                    2. M-time Culture
                      1. Exact agenda Appointments should be made 1 to 2 weeks in advance. Telephone. Confirm meetings one day in advance.
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