Zusammenfassung der Ressource
PHS302 - Plagiocephaly - "Oblique
- Deformational Plagiocephaly
- Non-synostotic
- pressure on outside causing bones to shift and no closure
- ipsilateral frontal bossing
- ipsilateral ear displaced anteriorly
- ipsilateral occipitoparietal flattening
- contralateral occipital bossing
- due to position
- Synostotic
- contralateral frontal bossing
- contralateral parietal bossing
- ipsilateral occipitoparietal flattening
- ipsilateral ear displaced posteriorly
- not due to position
- causes
- restrictive intrauterine environment
- premature birth
- assisted vaginal delivery
- prolonged labour - unusual birth
- multiple birth
- primiparity (first pregnancy)
- plagiocephaly = misshapen
- brachiocephaly = flat (occiput)
- scaphocephaly = flat (side-side)
- Assessment
- visual
- superior view
- posterior flattening
- ear misalignent
- forehead asymmetry
- frontal view
- neck involvement
- facial asymmetry
- assessment tools
- CT scans
- digital photographs
- flexi-curve
- thermoplastic band
- Cranial Vault Asymmetry Index (CVAI
- ratio of oblique diameters
- significant >= 5
- CF = Torticollis
- prolonged exposure to one posn => moulding of developing skull
- most common headshape since intro of "Back to Sleep"
- 20% of infants affected in 1st 4/12 of life
- CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS = premature closure of one or more of the cranial sutures - requires sx
- Management
- provide info to parents
- early ID and rx for torticollis likely to reverse plagiocephaly
- counter positioning
- active/consistent re-positioning
- posn in midline
- if not resolving ? refer to plastics/orthotics re helmet
- helmet
- consider at 4/12
- prevents head growing wider at contact points