Preschool Language Scale-5th edition (PLS-5)


Mindmap am Preschool Language Scale-5th edition (PLS-5), erstellt von Shata Bose am 27/10/2016.
Shata Bose
Mindmap von Shata Bose, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Shata Bose
Erstellt von Shata Bose vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Preschool Language Scale-5th edition (PLS-5)
  1. PURPOSE: comprehensive developmental language assessment items that range from pre-verbal, interaction-based skills to emerging language to early literacy interactive, play-based assessment is provided with comprehensive, reliable, and trusted information about language skills for children birth through age 7.
    1. TESTING TIME : Birth through 11 months: 25-35 minutes 12 months through 2;11: 45-55 minutes 3;0 through 4;11: 50-60 minutes 5;0 through 7;11: 40-50 minutes
      1. AGE RANGE: 0 to 7;11
        1. Areas Assessed
          1. Language Structure
            1. Morphology
              1. Syntax
              2. Emergent Literacy Skill
                1. Integrative Language Skills
                  1. Vocal Development
                    1. Social Communication
                      1. Play
                        1. Attention
                          1. Attention to Environment
                            1. Attention to People
                            2. Semantics
                              1. Vocabulary
                                1. Qualitative Concepts
                                  1. Quantitative Concepts
                                    1. Spatial Concepts
                                      1. Time/Sequence Concepts
                                      2. Gesture
                                      3. PERCENTILE RANKS: PLS-5 provides age-based percentile ranks for the Auditory Comprehension and Expressive Communication standard scores and the Total Language composite scores
                                        1. RELIABILITY:Test-Retest Stability Child is administered test twice under similar conditions Time between both tests is minimized so that there’s no room for development yet enough time so that practice or memory do not affect re-test Data was collected from 195 children Intra-examiner with test ranging from 3-28 days Split half reliability-tests internal consistency
                                          1. VALIDITY: Concurrent validity- compares child performance to standard (criterion) performance Construct: based on language development studies and theory that language skills improve with age Internal structure
                                            1. Standarized Test'Mean 100, Standard Deviation +/- 15
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