Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Lease Accounting
- Current Provision
- Bright Line - Items which as
similar in nature can be
accounted for totally
- See ACCA P2 Exam June 2010 Question 4
- The decision as to
how to treat assets
is highly subjective
- US accounting standards
don't like substance over form
(this is a joint project)
- Comparability between
companies is limited
- The criteria used to identify finance
leases and operating leases is
- There is a lack of transparency as to
how items are classified
- The treatment of operating
leases contradicts other
accounting standards
- Operating leases are off balance sheet
finance (leverage). Adding them to the books
of the FTSE alone will add billions to the
liabilities of these companies
- The front loading of costs
(depreciation plus interest expenses)
in finance leases doesn't represent
the economic reality of the
- There is an inconsistency within the
standard (Leases should be financial
- Easy to manipulate and create
transactions in one category rather
than the other
- Complicated to
understand for
- Lack of transparency in the
treatment of leases
- Proposal
- New bright line
(separating leases into
two categories)
- Type A (not property)
- Similar to a finance lease
- Type B (property)
- Similar to an operating lease
- Classification based on consumption
- Annual review required to
ensure lease is being
correctly treated
- Exceptions to the proposal (leases under 12
months) which will not need to comply with the
- Classification can
be changed from
the expected type
based on the asset
- Recognise a rights to use asset and a liability
- recognised at PVMLP
- Impact on Financial Reporting
- Users of the accounts
- New standard can still be manipulated
- Two categories so still complex
- Type A and Type B are meaningless ICAEW
Comments letter
- Compromise of the
needs of all users so
no winner
- Comparability
- Improved transparency
- Framework
- Framework in under review
so may no longer be
- Could see a number of
companies no longer able to
use going concer
- If the FASB do not adopt will be
global inconsistency
- Loopholes allow
preparers to adjust
as necessary
- No conceptual underpinning to the suggested proposal
- Profitability
- Impact on a significant
number of metrics
- Impact on share price
- Impact on PE ratio
(indicator of profitability and
potential growth)
- Huge costs
associated with
- Training
Additional Staff
Legal costs
- Taxation
- Availability of data
- Possibility of errors due to
new nature of standard
- There is no impact on the
trade of the business (it's
just an accounting
- The IASB have agreed that there
is an issue and are trying to
resolve it
- Data Collection will be
impacted as will data
- Companies may decide to
change their acquisition
- Transition from current standard will require
retrospective adjustments to existing leases
- Specific industries will be impacted
more than others (retail)
- Change in risk profile for companies
(less credit risk more asset risk)
- Need to be a global standard otherwise
investors will cherry pick where they
invest their money