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Anatomy of the lungs
Keine Merkmale angegeben
Mindmap von
Farah Mansour
, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von
Farah Mansour
vor etwa 8 Jahre
Zusammenfassung der Ressource
It is the rounded upper end.
Projects upwards through the thoracic inlet into the root of the neck.
Related to suprapleural membrane
Is the concave lower surface that rests on upper surface of the diaphragm.
The diaphragm separates the base of the lung from :
Right lung : Right lobe of the liver
Left Lung :
Fundus of the stomach
The concavity of the base is deep on right lung because of the presence of liver.
Costal Surface
related to :
Costal Cartilages
Intercostal muscles
Sternocostalis muscle
Medial Surface
Vertebral part
lies behind hilum
related to :
sides of vertebral bodies
Intervertebral disc
Posterior intercostal vessels
Sympathetic Trunk
Splanchnic nerves
Mediastinal part
is anterior part
differs between right & left lungs
Mediastinal surface of right lung
Shows cut section of:
2 Bronchi
1 Pulmonary artery
2 pulmonary veins
1 bronchial artery
Bronchopulmonary LN
Anterior & Posterior pulmonary plexuses
Pericardial impression infront of Hilum and pulmonary ligament
Impression for upper part of IVC
Impression for SVC infront of upper part of hilum
continuous upwards with the groove for the right brachiocephalic vein.
Groove for the ARCH OF VENA AZYGOS vein: above the hilum reaching groove for SVC
Impression for the TRACHEA and the RIGHT VAGUS NERVE: Above the hilum, Lies behind the SVC groove and above arch of the azygos vein.
Esophagus Impression
Azygos vein Groove
The esophagus is related to the right lung in the following sites:
Behind the Hilum
Behind Pulmonary Ligament
Behind the groove of the trachea above the arch of the azygos vein.
Mediastinal surface of Left lung
1 principle Bronchus
1 Pulmonary artery
2 Pulmonary veins
2 Bronchial arteries
Bronchopulmonary L.N
Anterior & Posterior pulmonary plexuses
Pericardial impression; related to:
Left Ventricle
Left auricle
Impression for the pulmonary trunk and remains of the thymus gland
Lies just above the pericardial impression & in front of upper part of the hilum
Groove for AORTIC ARCH:
Well-defined groove above the hilum
related to:
Left vagus nerve
Left phrenic nerve
Left superior Intercostal vein
Descending aorta Groove:
broad longitudinal groove behind the hilum and the pulmonary ligament.
Groove for left subclavian & left common carotid arteries
lies in front of and parallel to the groove for the left subclavian.
The left phrenic nerve
Passes between the grooves for the left common carotid and left subclavian
Area related to esophagus, thoracic duct & left recurrent laryngeal nerve
Narrow vertical area behind the groove for the left subclavian artery.
The Esophagus
forms a groove in front of the descending aorta.
Tongue-like projection of the upper lobe at the cardiac notch
Corresponds to the right middle lobe
The cardiac notch is produced on the upper lobe of the left lung owing to the bulging of the heart.
Fissures of the lungs
The left lung: Has only 1 fissure (oblique) dividing it into upper & lower lobes.
The right lung: Has 2 fissures (oblique and horizontal) into 3 lobes (upper, middle & lower).
Oblique fissure
Begins at the posterior border:
opposite the 3rd thoracic spine
Extends downwards and forwards
Cuts the inferior border of the lung opposite the 6th costo-chondral junction
Follows the medial border of the scapula when the arm is abducted
Horizontal fissure
Extends from the anterior border of the right lung at the level of the 4th costal cartilage
Ends at the oblique fissure in the midaxillary line
On the surface of the body, it passes forwards from the oblique fissure following the line of the 4th rib.
Hilum and root of the lung
Hilum: Is the part of medial surface of the lung, which gives passage to structures
Root: Structures passing through the hilum connecting mediastinum to the lung
Structure Arrangment in the lung root
The most superior structure is the PULMONARY ARTERY.
The more posterior structure is MAIN BRONCHUS.
The most anterior and inferior are the PULMONARY VEINS
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