

an introduction to the 'Thriller' genre
Kirsty Bryan
Mindmap von Kirsty Bryan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Kirsty Bryan
Erstellt von Kirsty Bryan vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Conventions of a Thriller
    1. low key lighting
      1. quick cuts
        1. shadows
          1. tension music
            1. changes in the angle of shots
              1. diegetic sound of breathing
                1. black and white shots
                  1. protagonist in the mercy of antagonist
                  2. Iconography
                    1. shadows and silhouettes
                      1. weapons
                        1. drugs
                          1. dark urban setting
                            1. cars
                            2. Examples of Thrillers
                              1. Strangers on a Train - 1951
                                1. Rear Window - 1954
                                  1. Vertigo - 1958
                                    1. Psycho - 1960
                                      1. The Silence of the Lambs -1991
                                        1. Seven - 1995
                                          1. Shutter Island - 2010
                                            1. Black Swan - 2010
                                              1. I Saw the Devil - 2010
                                                1. Prisoners - 2013
                                                  1. Gone Girl - 2014
                                                  2. Mise-en-scene
                                                    1. low-key lighting
                                                      1. costume
                                                        1. antagonist in dark clothes
                                                          1. protagonist in light or normal clothes
                                                          2. film stoke
                                                            1. black and white, colour
                                                              1. fine grain, grainy
                                                            2. Editing of a Thriller
                                                              1. jump cuts
                                                                1. cross cutting
                                                                  1. continuity
                                                                  2. What do I think when I hear the word "thriller"?
                                                                    1. suspense and excitement
                                                                      1. busy streets/urban/suburban
                                                                        1. narrative revolves around investigation of an enigma
                                                                          1. hero is often an outsider
                                                                            1. violence
                                                                              1. rational rather than supernatural explanation
                                                                                1. centres on injustice in society
                                                                                  1. hero and villain often share characteristics
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