

Mindmap am Rivers, erstellt von Natalie Wu am 28/03/2014.
Natalie Wu
Mindmap von Natalie Wu, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Natalie Wu
Erstellt von Natalie Wu vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Erosion Process: Hydraulic Action, Abrasion, Attrition ,Solution/Corrosion
    1. Transport:Traction Saltation, Suspension, Solution
      1. Waterfalls: Plunge Pool, Gorges, Pot Holes, V-Shaped Valley, Rapids, Interlocking Spurs
        1. Different Landforms: Meanders, River Tarraces, Knick Points, Oxbow Lake, Levees, Deltas, Rias
          1. Tectonic up lift, Time, Geology, Gradient, Climate, Water Composition
            1. River Lune, symonds Yat, Zambuzi (Victoria Falls), tees
              1. Flooding: Vegetation,drainage density, geology, snowmelt, gradient,urbanization, deforestation,misused management, exceeding bankful capacity, lag time/peak discharge
                1. Case Study: Pakistan & Tewkesbury
                2. Multi-use of river: recreation, water supply, HEP( steep sides/gradient, impermeable rock, high velocity), transportation, irrigation/agriculture (flat lands=machinery, alluvial soil from flooding=fertile food, food, fishing,industry= cooling process
                  1. Case Study: Three Gorges & the Thames & Mekong
                  2. Flood Management: Sluic Gates, Flood relief measures, Channelization, Levees, Clearing=Snagging and Dredging
                    1. Case Study: Colorado River & The Three Gorges
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