Studying society key terms


GCSE Sociolgy Mindmap am Studying society key terms, erstellt von coughlingt am 03/05/2013.
Mindmap von coughlingt, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von coughlingt vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Studying society key terms
  1. Psychological approach: A way of understanding human behaviour by looking at individual makeup.
    1. Biological: A way of understanding humans by looking at their biological makeup
      1. Social control: Ways of ensuring people behave in a socially acceptable way such as laws.
        1. Social structure: Structures orgainised around people such as family
          1. Culture: Where a group of people share common norms,values and beliefs
            1. Subculture: A smaller group of people who share common norm and values that are different from main order
              1. Socialisation; The process of learning norms.
                1. Race: A term that suggests differences in culture
                  1. Ethnicity: A term that refers to differences in culture but is not based on biology
                    1. Sex: Biological catogories of male and female
                      1. Gender: Social catogories of male and female usually due to stereotypes
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