Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Romeo and Juliet;
Capulet's power and
- capulet in society; act 1 scene 5
- host of his party means he
has immedieate power
- uses possessive
pronouns eg. me, my, i .
- exception to his own rules
- patriacale society
- greets men first
- makes a joke about women
- gets everyone to appear
happy and makes him look
- blackmail
- uses rhetorical
questions to turn
threats into jokes
- degrades women
- "foot it GIRLS" is more degrading than "welcome GENTLEMEN"
- ominipotent
- commanding
- damands dancing
- orders sevants
- orders friends
- god-like
- capulet:
"come musicians play"
music plays
"foot it girls"
they dance
- god:
"let there be light"
light shone
- Capulet and Paris act 1 scene 2; act 3 scene 4
- act 3 scene 4
- paris
- proud
- excited
- shocked/ unexpected
- Capulet
- tables turned being respectful
- ridicules paris
- holds floor
- dismisive
- Capulets descision
- act 1 scene 2
- paris
- uses formal register
- respectful
- valid argument
- Capulet
- ownership of juliet
- ignores paris
- his points are 'fact'
- appears to have Juliets
best wishes in interest
- Capulet and Tybalt; act 1 scene 5
- Tybalt
- no honour or respect for anyone
- filled with spite
- can't see the same ideas as his uncle
- assumes romeo will cause trouble
- makes excuses for himself
- plans to get rid of romeo
because of family honour
- Capulet
- anger levels change in this scene
- comforting and curious at the start
- raging and just hanging on to
his composure
- switches between his guests
and his argument