Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Mitotic Proliferation
- Produces large numbers of stem cells which begin
maturation at puberty where further mitotic
divisions produce Type A spermatogonia
- Occurs in basal part of tubule. Stem cells along with
mesodermal cells form seminiferous cords in developing testis.
- Spermatogonia are diploid and genetically identical.
Some type A spermatogonia will further divide to type
B from which primary spermatocytes arise.
- Meiotic
- Generates genetic diversity
(chromatids exchange genetic
material - crossover)
- Halves chromosome number (haploid)
- Spermatocytes become spermatids
- Cytodifferentiation (Spermiogenesis)
- Packages genes for delivery to oocyte
- Elongating spermatids to spermatozoa
- Spermiogenesis changes
- Occurs in adluminal compartment of tubule