
Lucía  Almirall
Mindmap von Lucía Almirall, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Lucía  Almirall
Erstellt von Lucía Almirall vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Direct speech
    1. Present
      1. 1. John “I am writing the exercises at the moment”
        1. 2. Charlie “ I have just finished doing my homework
          1. Questions
            1. Skinny
              1. You can only aswer with yes/no
                1. 1. Helen asked her friend: “Do you know Tom?”
                2. Fat
                  1. You answer more completly
                    1. 2. Jennet asked me: “When did you see the film?”
                  2. Declarations
                    1. 1. Jim “I spoke to the teacher”
                      1. 2. Sharon “I was having fun at the party”
                        1. 3. Janet “I had finished my project before you”
                      2. Reported speech
                        1. Pasado
                          1. 1. John said that he was writing his exercise at the moment
                            1. 2. Charlie said that he had just finished doing his homework
                              1. Questions
                                1. Skinny
                                  1. Helen ask her friend that if she knows Tom
                                  2. Fat
                                    1. Janet asked me when i had saw the film
                                  3. Declarations
                                    1. 1. Jim stated that he had spoken to the teacher
                                      1. 2. Sharon announced that she had been having fun at the party
                                        1. 3. Janet explained that she had finished her project before me
                                      2. Verbs
                                        1. 1. Announced
                                          1. 2. Explained
                                            1. 3. Claimed
                                              1. 4. State
                                              2. Prononuns
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                                                ähnlicher Inhalt

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