
THINK AGAIN IV Mindmap am FALLACIES OF UNCLARITY, erstellt von cristian velez am 31/03/2014.
cristian velez
Mindmap von cristian velez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
cristian velez
Erstellt von cristian velez vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. its premises, whether they are true or false, don't support its conclusion.
    1. SLIPPERY SLOPES: depend on small changes
    2. ARGUMENT FROM THE HEAP, Sorites arg--> one penny, two pennies, etc.: all poor
      1. comes from Principle of Math Induction
        1. IS A PARADOX: an apparently valid argument from apparently true premises to an apparently FALSE conclusion
          1. HAS VAGUENESS: there's no precise boundary between the cases to which that expression correctly applies and the cases to which it does not correctly apply.
            1. poor, bald, tall, accomplished, famous
            2. ARG.FROM HEAP: all are poor; CONC. SLIP SLOP: no diff between rich-poor.
            3. CONCEPTUAL SLIPPERY SLOPE FALLACY :vagueness - there's no significant difference between things that belong to that category and things that don't belong to that category --> "there's no significant difference between poor and being rich".
              1. REMEMBER: a group can be powerful even if the individuals are not
                1. puede ser si-no o cuantitativo
                2. FAIRNESS SLIP.SLOPE: unfair fallacy --> fail a test with 2,99
                  1. People ask: where do you draw the line?
                3. CAUSAL SLIP. SLOPE: domino argument or parade of horrors
                  1. AMBIGUITY: more than one acceptable interpretation (homonimos, sentences)
                    1. SEMANTIC AMBIGUITY: homonyms
                      1. SYNTACTIC AMBIGUITY: sentences
                        1. FALLACY OF EQUIVOCATION: applying ambiguity (man is the only rational animal - and women?)
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