Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Membrane Potentials
- resting potentials
- is the membrane potential of a "resting"
neuron i.e. a neuron not sending signals
- in mammalian neurons at resting
potential there is a higher
concentration of K+inside the cells
- the concentration of Na+ is greater on the outside
- the concentration gradient across the
plasma membrane is maintained by the
sodium-potassium pump
- constantly moves 3 Na+ out
of the neurons and 2 K+ into
the neuron
- there is some leakage of K+ out o the
cell due to the electrochemical gradient
created by the pump
- the build up of negative
charge caused by this, is the
major source of the membrane
- voltage of -60mV
- a neuron at rest contains many more
open K+ channels than open Na+
- the net flow of K+ stops when there are too many K+
leaving the cell, this causes an electrical imbalance as
there are too many negative charges inside
- at this point K+ begins to be pushed back
into the cell and equilibrium is reached
- the membrane potential at this point is
called the potassium equilibrium potential
or EK
- this is the point at which K+ diffusion out due to the concentration gradient is
balanced by it's movement in due to the negative electric potential
- action potential
- is produced when the membrane becomes depolarized
- in order for an action potential tobe generated
it must be depolarized enough to pass the
- the threshold is -55mV, not muh higher than that
of the resting potential (-66mV)
- an action potential occurs if a stimulus causes the membrane voltage to pass the
threshold, this reaction is a brief all-or-none depolarisation of the neuron's plasma
- hyperpolarisation can occur when the inside of the cell becomes more
negatively charged, this has an inhibitory effect on the neuron as it moves the
membrane potential further away from the threshold potential
- postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) or graded potentials
- fall into two categories
- excitatory postsynaptic potentials
- a single EPSP is normally too small to trigger an action
potential in a postsynaptic neuron
- inhibitory postsynaptic potentials
- temporal summation
- when two EPSPs are produced in rapid
- spatial summation
- when EPSPs are produced almost
simultaneously by different synapses on
the same postsynaptic neuron add
- through summation an IPSP can counter act
the effects of an EPSP
- the summation of different PSPs
detremines whether or not the
threshold will be reached and thus
generate an action potential
- conduction
- after an action potential has been
generated a second one cannot be initiated,
this is known as the refactroy period
- this ensures that an impulse moves
allong the axon in only one direction
- the result of temporary inactivation of the Na+
channels, this means that an action potential
cannot be generated regardless ofthe amount of
- the refactory period is a period of
repolarisation during which the Na+/K+
pump restores the membrane it's original
polarised condition
- Conduction speed
- the speed of an action
potential is affected by
the diameter of the
- wider the diameter
the faster the the
action potential
- vertebrates the axons are insulated with
myelin sheaths, this increase the action
potentials speed
- myelin sheaths are made from glia
- action potentials are formed only
at nodes of Ranvier
- these gaps in the myelin sheath are
where the Na+ channels are found
- action potentials in myelinated axons jump between
the nodes of Ranvier in a process called Saltatory
- an action potential can travel long
distances by regenerating itself along
the axon
- at the site where the action
potential is generated an electrical
current depolarises the
neighbouring region of the axon
- this site is usually the axon hillock
- inactivated Na+ channels behind the zone of
depolarisation prevent action potentialls from
travelling backwards
- action potentials are unidirectional
they travel along the axon from the
cell body toward the synaptic
- signals that carry
information along axons
- caused by the opening of Na+ channels
resulting in an influx of Na+ ions causing a
depolarisation of the membrane
- every neuron has a voltage
(difference in electrical charge)
across it's plasma membrane - this is
the membrane potential
- messages are transmitted as changes in
membrane potential
- ions carry the electric current in the neurons
- sodium (Na+)
- Potassium (K+)
- Calcium (Ca+)
- Chloride (Cl-)
- each ion has a specific channel
- the ions can diffuse in both direction depending on 2 gradients
- electrical gradient
- the voltage difference
across the membrane
- chemical gradient
- concentration difference
across the membrane
- the net movement of ions across the
membrane depends upon
- the electro-chemical gradient
- whether the gates of the specific ion
channels are open or not
- the Nernst equation
- Eion/ the equilibrium point of
a specific ion can be
calculated using the Nernst
- it uses the concentrations inside and
outside the cell and the charge of the ion
- R = universal gas constant
- T = absolute
- z = the
charge of the
- F = the
- the Goldman equation
- is used to calculate the real membrane potential
- it takes in account:
- all the ions that can diffuse across the membrane
- the relative permeability of the membrane to those ions
- relative permeabilities (p) are expressed as percentages
- pK = 1.0
- pNa = 0.05
- pCl = 0.45
- this is a table of predicted membrane potentials calculated using the Nernst equation
- it uses the assumption that the membrane is permeable to only one type of ion
- the true resting potential of a neuron is -66mV therefore the resting potential must
be due to the permeability of the membrane for more than one ion
- the actual resting potential is closer to EK (-75mV) than ENa (+56mV) this is because there
are many more open K channels than Na channels
- when the membrane
conductance for a specific ion
increases the membrane
potential will move towrds the
Nernst potential for that ion