Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Evolutionary Explanations
of Food Preference
- Main assumption- food preferences advantages to hunter/gatherer
- Eating beh/ adaptive - inc/ survival
- Evolutionary past still inf/s food preferences today
- Taste Receptors
- 5 - sensitive to range of food
qualities (ancestors - dangerous)
1) Sweet - Sugar (energy), 2) Sour
- gone off (bacteria), 3) Salt - all
cells need to function, 4) Bitter -
poisonous plant chemicals, 5)
Umami - meaty/savoury (protein)
- Benton (2002) - Sweet food reduce distress in babies.
- Neophobia
- Fear and avoid new foods -
evolved when new food stuffs
could be poisonous. Sticking to
familiar foods inc/ survival
- Frost (2006) - Inc/ liking for to food as more familiar.
- Taste Aversion
- Avoid foods that make them sick. Powerful
mechanisms to keep alive
- Garcia et al. (1977) - Wolves - lamb laced
w/ poison - sick. Sniff live sheep - leave
alone. Learnt instant aversion.
- Rats - poisoned + fed unfamiliar food = avoid
- Morning sickness - "Embryo Protection Hypothesis". Nausea
- early months (coffee, alcohol, eggs). Evolutionary - damage
developing baby
- Buss (2008) - Foods consistently avoided - 75%
morning sickness to meat +eggs (toxins, bacteria)
- Speculative - Impossible to test - explanations rely on
obs/ modern beh/ - lacks direct support
- IDA - Limited - ignore psychological, social, cultural
factors. (Parents/ peers inf/ - obs/ learning +
modelling). Religious beliefs (Kosher)