Second language measurement


foundations of bilingualism Mindmap am Second language measurement, erstellt von Clara avila am 17/11/2016.
Clara avila
Mindmap von Clara avila, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Clara avila
Erstellt von Clara avila vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Second language measurement
  1. Why?
    1. Without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed
    2. What?
      1. Language
        1. Grammar
          1. Pronunciation
            1. listening
              1. Writing
                1. vocabulary
                  1. Content
                    1. Function
                      1. prepositions, endings...etc
                  2. Content
                    1. subjects
                  3. Tools
                    1. yes or no tests
                      1. st have to mark, easy to administer
                      2. VLT Productive
                        1. Computer or paper based
                        2. Cloze test
                          1. Range of possiblilites, easy to mark
                          2. Vocabulary level test (VLT)
                            1. Different bands
                              1. Vocabulary size
                              2. lex 30
                                1. lexical availability
                              3. research vocabulary
                                1. pre and post test
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                                ähnlicher Inhalt

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