Theme 2 - The Amazon Rainforest


A mind map of facts on the Amazonian rainforest
Taliesin Lund
Mindmap von Taliesin Lund, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Taliesin Lund
Erstellt von Taliesin Lund vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Theme 2 - The Amazon Rainforest
  1. It is estimated that over 20% of the worlds oxygen is made here
    1. Local tribes are having their livelihoods destroyed by deforesters
      1. 10% of the worlds species can be found in the amazon rainforest
        1. Deforestation could mean they have to find a new ecosystem
        2. Slash and Burn
          1. Forest is burnt and cut in order to clear an area.
            1. Minerals are take back into the soil
          2. Clear-Cutting
            1. All living plants are removed
              1. Most destructive method
            2. Selective logging
              1. Much fewer trees are cut, only more common species are cut
                1. Nearby vegetation is still damaged
              2. Some locals benefit from the tourist attraction that the amazon rainforest has created
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