Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Rivers, Floods and Management:
River Processes and the Hjulstrom
- Energy in a River
- The amount of energy available in a river to do 'work'
depends on: the height of the water has to descend (and
its gradient) - this is essentially gravity. And the amount
(or mass) of water available.
- Potential energy is stored energy in a still
body of water that has the potential to do
- Kinetic energy is when water moves downhill, potential
energy is converted to kinetic energy and is used to do
- Some energy is lost overcoming
friction, so the amount of kinetic
energy generated is less than the
amount of potential energy.
- River Transportation
- The sediment carried by a river
is known as its load.
- Dissolved Load (Solution): Is the invisible transport of chemicals dissolved in
the water. A common example is calcium carbonate which is
dissolved when rain water flows over (or through#0 limestone or
- Suspension: Is usually very fine-grained
mud and silt, which is carried within the main
body of water. It is this form of sediment
transport that makes rivers look dark and
- Traction: Is the transportation of large boulders or rocks that
roll along the river bed.
- Saltation: Is the transportation of small rocks or
pebbles that bounce along the river bed.
- The type and amount of
sediment transported by a
river depends on several
- Flow of the river, with most
transportation occurring
during high-flow conditions.
- The nature of the riverbed and banks. If the river is flowing
through loose material, such as sands and gravels, it is more
likely to pick up and carry sediment than if it is flowing over
solid rock.
- Human intervention, such as lining riverbanks with
concrete, will reduce the amount of available
sediment for transport.
- River Erosion
- Corrasion: Particles of rock carried by the
river scrape away at the riverbed and banks.
if a river is flowing over bare rocks, a
sandpapering effect may occur - resulting in
a smooth rock surface. This particular
process is called abrasion.
- Hydraulic Action: When the sheer power of moving
water is able to dislodge loose particles of rock from
the riverbed or banks. Hydraulic action is most
effective during times of high flow, when the water
forces itself strongly against the banks, particularly
on the outside bends of meanders.
- Solution: Is the dissolving of chemicals when a river
flows over rocks such as limestone and chalk.
- Attrition: Is an extra process of erosion. It
involves the bashing together of rock particles as
they are carried downstream by a river.
- River Deposition
- Deposition occurs when a river no
longer has enough energy to
transport its load.
- Friction with the riverbed and banks leads to considerable deposition
within the river channel itself. This explains why most rivers flow over
sediment, rather than over bare rock.
- Large amounts of sediment are also
deposited when a river enters the sea, or a
lake, where the rate of flow is suddenly
- The Hjulstrom Curve
- The main factor that controls
transportation, erosion and deposition
is the speed or velocity of a river.
- The relationship between river processes and velocity
is shown by a graph called the Hjulstrom curve
- Both axes are logarithmic, which
means that there is a ten-fold
increase between each of the
equally spaced points on the axes
- A logarithmic scale is commonly used when
a wide range of values has to be plotted on
a single graph.
- The critical erosion velocity line (the red line, in this case) indicates the velocity
needed to pick up (erode) particles of different sizes.
- The critical deposition velocity
line (the blue line, in this case)
indicates the velocity below which
particles of a particular size can
no longer be carried and have to
be deposited.