Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- A Grammarian's Funeral
- unattainable goal
- rhyme scheme tries to achieve dactylic metre but fails
- 'aiming at a million,/Misses an unit'
- sacrifice
- 'Learned, we found him/ Yea, but we found him bald too, eyes like lead'
- 'Calculus racked him'
- 'Dead from the waist down'
- spiritual ambition
- 'actual life comes next?'
- 'patience a moment!'
- mountain imagery
- 'on a tall mountain, citied to the top'
- light imagery
- 'sparkle'
- 'he's for the morning'
- comparative language
- 'rarer'
- 'intenser'
- 'loftier'
- 'loftiest'
- Love in a Life/Life in a Love
- unattainable goal
- 'though I do my best I shall scarce succeed'
- cyclic form
- 'Escape me?/Never-/Beloved!'
- 'I shape me-/Ever/Removed!'
- sacrifice
- 'So the chase takes up one's life/that's all'
- 'Spend my whole day in the quest,-/ who cares?'
- failure to achieve romantic ambition
- assonance 'room after room' and 'door succeeds door' emphases loneliness
- 'She goes out as I enter'
- Porphyria's Lover
- romantic ambition only achieved through death
- 'That moment she was mine,mine,'
- My Last Duchess
- materialism
- 'Notice Neptune.../Which Claus Innsbruck cast in bronze for me!'
- Two in Campagna
- romantic ambition
- 'i would that you were all to me'
- 'see with your eyes, and set my heart/ Beating by yours'
- unattainable goal
- 'then the good minute goes'
- 'the pain/ Of finite hearts that yearn'
- The Lost Leader
- materialistic ambition
- 'Just for a handful of silver he left us'
- ambition at all costs
- 'He alone sinks to the rear'
- 'one more insult to God!'
- Bishop Orders His Tomb
- materialstic
- 'peach-blossom marble'
- 'with those nine columns around me'
- lack of sacrifice
- 'sons mine'
- Old Gandolf envied me, so fair she was!'
- lack of spiritual goals
- sensory language
- 'hear/..see/..feel'
- 'then I shall lie through centuries'
- 'Vanity saith the preacher, vanity!'
- Up at a Villa - Down in the City
- desire for life
- 'a house in the city-square/Ah such a life. such a life'
- 'one's life is a perfect feast'
- unattainable
- 'wine, at double the rate'
- 'Oh a day in the city-square'
- Toccata of Galuppi
- desire for life
- 'As for Venice and her people, merely born to bloom and drop'
- importance of academia
- 'mathematics are your pastime; souls shall rise in their degree'
- Pictor Ignotus
- ambition for fame
- 'Nor will I say I have not dreamed.../Of going forth.../To Pope or Kaiser'
- sacrifice
- will not sacrifice his integrity for fame
- 'these buy and sell our pictures, take and tie/Count them for garniture'
- 'so die my pictures! surely, gently die!'
- 'O youth, men praise so, - holds their praise its worth?'
- Apparent Failure
- 'No, for I'll save it!'
- Prospice
- romantic ambition achieved through death
- 'thou soul of my souL! i shall clasp thee again'