Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Plan Of
- Bony landmark
of the neck:
- Upper Limit
- Inferior border of the mandible
- Mastoid process of the temporal bone
- External occipital protuberance
- InferiorlY
- Upper border of manubrium sterni
- Clavicle
- Hyoid Bone
- U-shaped with a body, lesser and greater horns.
- Is the first resistant structure that can be felt in the midline inferior to the chin.
- Level of C3 vertebra.
- Moves during swallowing.
- Is suspended from the styloid process by stylohyoid ligaments.
- Muscles connect the hyoid bone to the tongue, mandible, sternum, larynx, and pharynx.
- Consequently, following fracture of the hyoid bone the fine balance of these muscles
would be disturbed, causing problems in breathing, speaking, and swallowing
- Laryngeal Prominence
- Formed by the thyroid cartilage.
- More prominent in the male & rises with swallowing
- Lies at the level of the C4 & 5 vertebrae.
- It rises during swallowing.
- Cricoid Cartilage
- Can be felt inferior to the laryngeal prominence.
- Level of C6 vertebra.
- At C6- pharynx continues - esophagus and the larynx - trachea
- Respiratory-Digestive
- Located anteriorly.
- Contains the pharynx and larynx which form the
esophagus and trachea at the level of C6.
- The contents are partially enclosed in a much thinner
sheath of fascia called the PRE-TRACHEAL FASCIA
- Trachea in front and the esophagus behind together
enclosed in the thin pre-tracheal fascia, which also
encloses the thyroid gland.
- The recurrent laryngeal nerve occupies the
groove between the trachea and esophagus.
- Musculo-Vertebral
- Located posteriorly.
- Consists of the cervical vertebrae and the muscles around them.
- Plastered by a dense layer of PREVERTEBRAL FASCIA
- The whole neck is enclosed in a
musculo-fascial tube composed of :
- Sternomastoid muscle
- Trapezius muscle
- Investing Layer of Deep
Fascia of the neck
- Carotid sheath: Fills in the angle between the
vertebral block and the respiratory-digestive block
- Longus colli: Immediately in
front of the vertebral bodies.
- Scalenus anterior: Arises from
the anterior tubercles of
transverse processes.
- Scalenus medius & posterior: Arises
from the posterior tubercles.
- Levator scapulae and deep muscles of the
neck arise further posteriorly.
- Deep Fascia
of Neck
- Investing layer.
- Pre-tracheal fascia
- Carotid Sheath
- Prevertebral Fascia
- Sternocleidomastoid muscle
- Digastric muscle
- Omohyoid muscle
- Subdivisions
of Neck
- Posterior
- Anteriorly: Sternomastoid
- Posteriorly: Trapezius
- Apex: Meeting between trapezius & sternomastoid at the back of the skull.
- Base: Middle third of the clavicle, between the attachment of sternomastoid and trapezius.
- Anterior
- Boundaries
- Anterior: Median line
- Posterior: Sterno cleidomastoid
- Base: Mandible + Line from angle to mastoid
- Apex: Suprasternal notch
- Subdivisions
- Submandibular triangle.
- Carotid triangle.
- Muscular triangle.
- Submental triangle.
- Suprahyoid muscles
- Digastric muscle
- Stylohyoid
- Above post belly of digastric muscle.
- Extends between styloid process
& hyoid bone.
- Mylohyoid
- Extends between
mandible and hyoid bone.
- Is attached to a midline raphe.
- Geniohyoid: Extends between
mandible and hyoid bone.
- Hyoglossus: Extends between hyoid bone & tongue.
- Infrahyoid Muscles
- Sternohyoid: Superficial to sternothyroid & thyrohyoid.
Between the manubrium & hyoid bone.
- Omohyoid
- Sternothyroid:Extends between the manubrium and the oblique line of thyroid cartilage.
- Thyrohyoid: From the oblique line of the thyroid cartilage to the hyoid bone.
- Ansa Cervicalis
- Superficial to the carotid sheath
- A loop formed by 2 components:
- Superior Loop C1
(Descending Hypoglossi)
- Inferior Loop from cervical plexus C2 and C3
- Innervation: All infrahyoid
muscles except thyrohyoid (C1
through hypoglossal nerve