Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Africa - Climate Change
- Situated South of Europe, West of Asia and East of South America
- Covers 6% of the Earth's total surface area and 20.4% of the Earth's land mass
- Around 30.2 km sq in land size
- Africa contains 54 countries
including Madagascar
- Mediterranean sea (North)
- Indian Ocean, Red sea, Gulf of Aden and Arabian sea (East)
- Mozambique channel (South-east)
- South Atlantic Ocean (South-west)
- Gulf of Guinea (West)
- North Atlantic ocean (North-west)
- Contributes least to the enhanced greenhouse effect
- Suffer the most as a result of global warming
- Most of the African population relies on climate-sensitive resources such as local water and eco-systems
- Has a limited ability to adapt to climate change
- 2/3 of African countries are within the world's 50 poorest countries
- 34% of the population ages 15-24 are illiterate
- Poor economy 1/3 live in absolute poverty
- It has been predicted that in Africa there will be an overall increase of 3-4 degrees above the global average by 2100
- In the regional section along the equatorial parts of Africa rainfall is likely to increase - However will decrease in the North and South
- As rainfall becomes more variable,
competition for water is likely to arise
between countries, particularly when
Africa's largest rivers such as the Nile
cross national borders
- As scarcity increases, so does dependence on poor-quality sources
- Increase in water borne diseases such as cholera, this therefore puts more pressure on heath-care systems and government budgets
- Most of the African continent is dependent on agriculture and will be affected by decreased rainfall
- In 2007 it was said that 14
African countries were
suffering from water scarcity
and by 2032 11 more
countries will join them
- Half of the African population are earning less than $1 a day
- Political turmoil within Africa could mean that the correct responses are not made
- More than 60% of world population growth between 2008 - 2100 will be in sub-Saharan Africa
- 75% of African population live in rural areas
- 1/3 of the population are living in drought prone areas
- More than 1/4 of the population live along the coast therefore will be affected by sea level rise
- Africa is already struggling with health problems with two million people dying from aids each year
- Low life expectancy and high infant mortality
- Weak governance
- Much has been invested in Africa in terms of capacity building, but more is needed to enhance the adaptive capacity of businesses and individuals
- Deteriorating ecological base
- Widespread poverty
- Inequitable land distribution
- High dependence on natural resource base
- Improving adaptive capacity is important in order to reduce vulnerability to climate change
- Lack of clean secure water
- Lack of water for subsistence farmers
- Population growth of 3%
- Rapid urbanisation leads to more people becoming vulnerable
- Poor quality of housing in high risk locations
- Food insecurity
- Corrupt governments
- Low literacy
- Widespread ill health AIDS/HIV/Malaria/Cholera
- Many live below the poverty line ($1 a day)
- Environmental degration
- Demand outweighs the supply of water for 25% of Africans
- Water stress could lead to wars, global migration and famine
- Movement of environmental refugees from the countryside puts pressure on coastal zones
- 60% of Africans live in coastal zones, many of which are at risk from erosion and flooding
- If the coastal zones were flooded, much of the continent's infrastructure of roads, bridges and buildings would also be lost
- 70% of the population are subsistence farms
- Water supplies dry up
- Pasture quality deteriorate or crops fail
- Increased locust plagues may threaten food supplies
- Inadequate health care systems
- Malaria free highland areas in Ethiopia, Kenya Rwanda and Burundi could also experience incidences of malaria by 2050s, with the conditions for transmission becoming highly suitable
- Having to export their products at a low price due to unjust trading systems
- The burden of un-payable
debt means that no money
is available for the mitigation
or the introduction of
adaptation strategies
- A study in Uganda
concluded that an
increase in temperature
of an average of 2
degrees would
drastically reduce the
area suitable for
growing Robusta coffee
in Uganda, where it is a
major export crop and
limit growth to the
highlands only
- Water sources are becoming intermittent or disappearing; streams that used to run year-round are now seasonal
- By 2020, 75-250 million people are estimated to be exposed to increased water stress as a result of climate change
- Climate change will result in the loss of species and extinction of many plants
- Changes in a variety of ecosystems are already being detected, particularly in Southern Africa - at a faster rate than anticipated
- Highly diverse in fauna and flora
- Africa contains about a fifth of all know species of plants, mammals and birds in the world, and a sixth of the amphibians and reptiles
- Biological hotspots - Western Indian ocean islands, The Cape Region, The succulent Karoo (most species rich desert in the world), the upper Guinea forest and the Eastern Arc Mountain forests of East Africa
- Climate change will trigger species migration
- One study examining over 5,000 African plant species predicts that 81-97% of plant species' suitable habitats will decrease in size of shift due to climate change
- By 2085
between 25%
and 42% of the
habitats are
expected to be
lost altogether
- Equatorial Guinea may benefit financially due to better conditions
- Tropical areas experience longer growing periods
- Animals attracted to water wells
- Increase in tourism