Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Self Study Guide
- Why do children sometimes guess the
word and sometimes ask for help from
their teacher?
- Comprehension comes from
moving from guessing to knowing
words and how they relate.
- Automaticity will result from guessing and self
correcting until words are known automatically.
- Inferring words from context
- Use context clues from
within the sentence and
- Children guess when they decode
a word that is unknown.
- When is it appropriate to praise students?
- Rereading books.
- Monitoring and self correcting.
- When you have something specific to
praise about.
- When students decode.
- How do you correct English language
learners that blend phonemes of
their native language and of English?
- Know the difference between base
words of both languages.
- Blending English phonemes
to know English words.
- ESL instruction helps
students learn English
from the basics to more
- Leads to fluency.
- Knowing phoneme isolation.
- Phonological awareness.
- Scaffolding will help students know when
they are blending the wrong phonemes.