Zusammenfassung der Ressource
wake up dad
- Respiratory Tract
- Upper Respiratory Tract
- Nose, mouth
- nasal cavity
- roof : ethmoid +sphenoid bones
- floor: hard palate
- medial wall: septum
- lateral wall: medial orbit, maxillary
sinuses,ethmoidal air cells
- from nares to the nasopharynx
- oral cavity
- floor: tongue
- roof : hard palate
- from lips to the
palatoglossal fold
- Nasal sinuses
- 2 frontal
- 2 ethmoidal
- 2 maxillary
- single sphenoid
- Pharynx
- Nasopharynx
- Extends from skull Base
superiorly to the soft palate
- The nasopharyngeal tonsil
lies in the roof
- The pharyngeal opening of
ET lies in the lateral wall
- Oropharynx
- From the soft palate superiorly to
tip of epiglottis inferiorly
- Communicates
- Anteriorly with the oral cavity
- Superiorly with the nasopharynx
- Inferiorly with the hypopharynx
- Laryngopharynx
- From the tip of epiglottis
superiorly to the lower border
of cricoid cartilage Inferiorly
- Communicates
- Anteriorly with the Larynx
- Superiorly with the oropharynx
- Inferiorly with the esophagus
- Larynx
- A cartilaginous
- Membranes and
- Intrinsic and
extrinsic muscles
- Mucosal lining
- Lower Respiratory Tract
- Trachea
- Bronchial tree
- Lung
- Examination of Respiratory System
- inspection : including looking for skin
discoloration,cynosis ,Conjunctival pallor ,..etc
- palpation: looking for swelling
- Auscultation: looking for abnormal sounds
- percussion
- sleep apnea
- Risk Factors
- Obesity
- Central fat distribution
- Being male
- Being older
- Family history Smoking ;,Use of alcohol,
Use of sedatives. Supine sleep position
- Complications
- Daytime fatigue
- Hypertension
- heart problems
- Stroke
- Pulmonary hypertension ,Type 2
diabetes ,Metabolic syndrome
,Abnormal cholesterol
- Management
- 1-Continuous positive
airway pressure
- 2-Expiratory positive
airway pressure
- 3-Oral appliances
- 4-Surgery
- 1-Tissue removal
- 2-Jaw reposition
- 3-Implant plastic rods in soft palate
- 4- Tracheostomy
- Snoring
- Causes
- Overeating and/or
Lack of Exercise,
Alcohol and
Sleeping Pills,
Smoking Sleeping
Position ,Allergy,
Nasal Stuffiness,
Mouth Breather,
Small or
Collapsing Nostrils
,Tongue Base
- Features
- Small or
septum Nasal
congestion and
Enlarged nasal
turbinates and
nasal polyps
Large soft
palate or uvula