Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Public Health
- Ancient Rome
- Roman Enginnering
- Aquaducts
- Baths
- Public toilets
- Sewers
- War
- Soldier Healthcare
- Healthy Army
- Prevention not cure
- Money spent on keeping fit
- Government left it too the people for general health
- Black plague
- Le-safiare
- War
- Military Government
- Major focous
- Personal cures
- Chicken/toads on buboes
- Flagellants
- Praying
- London
- Killing animals
- Sweeping outside your house
- 1665 Plauge
- Scientific Knowledge
- Protective clothing
- Bird masks with herbs inside
- Not touching the dead
- Burying dead outside of city
- Red crosses on infected hosues
- Little government management
- 1848 and 1875 public health acts
- Housing laws
- Bans the construction of back to back housing
- Must have enough space between houses for rubbish carts
- More sanitary facilities
- Bazalgette has created sewers
- Allows new sanitary infrastructure
- Cholera epidemic
- More interest in poverty stricken areas
- People like Chadwick and Farr do surveys on poor areas
- Many councils and builders ignore new laws
- Back to back housing still built
- Documents forged
- Manditry midwife training
- Liberal Reforms 1906-1914
- Lloyd George
- Very popular with pulic
- Backs the Liberal reforms using his influence
- New rights for the poor
- Free school dinners
- National insurance fund
- Sick pay
- Fights poverty
- Free check ups
- Did not help the unemployed
- Effects were no that large
- Demolishing more back to back housing
- NHS 1948
- Beveridge report
- Cradle to the grave
- Proposal of national health service
- Everyone pays in to the national fund
- Nye Bevan
- From miners family
- Strong liberal
- Well liked by public
- Leads the national health service proposal
- Free health service for everone
- Helps poor and unemployed
- Nearly all treatments for free
- Medical research and doctor training
- Doctors against it
- Had be bribed by Bevan
- Wanted more money from private
- Were allowed to performs privately aswell