
Mindmap am ECONOMIC ACTIVITY, erstellt von Sara MarGon am 10/12/2016.
Sara MarGon
Mindmap von Sara MarGon, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sara MarGon
Erstellt von Sara MarGon vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Humans needs & production
    1. Factors of production
      1. natural resources
        1. renewable
          1. non-renewable
          2. capital
            1. physical
              1. human
                1. financial
                2. labour
                  1. salary
                    1. role
                      1. produce goods
                        1. provide services
                    2. Economic agents
                      1. goverment
                        1. buisnesses
                          1. household
                        2. Economic systems
                          1. Tradition based
                            1. based on
                              1. beliefs
                                1. customs
                                  1. laws
                                2. Capitalism
                                  1. private ownership
                                    1. investment of capital
                                      1. Free market
                                        1. price
                                          1. supply
                                            1. demand
                                          2. Authority
                                            1. social equality
                                              1. comunism
                                                1. central planning
                                                2. Mixed economy
                                                  1. equal opportunities
                                                    1. welfawere state
                                                      1. mix of
                                                        1. capitalism
                                                          1. authority
                                                      2. Sectors of the economy
                                                        1. Primary
                                                          1. agriculture
                                                            1. livestock
                                                              1. forestry
                                                                1. fishing
                                                                2. Secondary
                                                                  1. minery
                                                                    1. industrial activities
                                                                      1. construction
                                                                        1. energy production
                                                                        2. Tertiary
                                                                          1. comerce
                                                                            1. tourism
                                                                              1. transport & comunication
                                                                                1. services
                                                                              Zusammenfassung anzeigen Zusammenfassung ausblenden

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