Zusammenfassung der Ressource
On The Move
- Displaced persons
- Refugees/ Asylum seekers
- Current Trends: Asylum Seekers
- If the claim for asylum is granted, the refugee is normally allowed to stay
- If the claim is turned down, the immigrant may be deported
- Concern has been expressed
about the numbers seeking asylum
in the EU, amid fears that many are
actually economic migrants
- Asylum claims peaked in the early 1900s, and again in 2001-02, but have since fallen across Europe
- The majority of asylum seekers are from the middle and near east (Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan)
- Forced to move by war, famine, disaster or fear or persecution
- Temporary stay
- Voluntary migrants
- Permanent move for work or quality of life reasons
- Temporary move for work reasons
- May stay for weeks or years
- Illegal migrants
- Voluntary individual
move for work
- Organised move
as part of
criminal activity
- Living and working
until discovered
- Current Trends: Illegal Migrants
- Illegal immigration to Europe seems to be on the rise
- Accurate data is hard to obtain
- Some estimates suggest 4-8 million illegal African migrants may be in the EU
- Total illegal immigration in the UK is estimated at 0.5 million
- Huge areas of Africa have been
wracked by conflict, civil unrest,
famine and poverty so the push
factors are strong
- Many Africans enter the EU by boat through the Spanish Canary Islands, Malta and Italy
- Migrants pay traffickers 1000 - 4000 euros each
- The Sahara desert land route is
dangerous and there are many
heat-related deaths, and killings by bandits
- Fishing boats used on the sea routes can be lethal
- A common route, from Senegal to the
Canaries, can take 8-10 days in potentially
rough seas, in overcrowded boats
- Being caught often leads to deportation
- Migration theory
- Lee's push-pull migration model
- 1966
- Lee explained the factors causing
migration in terms of the positive
and negative characteristics of
origin and destination areas
- Migrants have to perceive
some benefit in moving from
one place to another
- They may also take into account
obstacles they might encounter
including family pressures,
government policy, cost of travel
and language barriers
- Intervening opportunities such as
someone moving from France to Ireland
but finding employment in England
- Globalisation has made population
movements easier than ever
- By 2005, 190 million people worldwide were living
outside their country of birth - 3% of the population
- In the UK successive waves of immigration since the Second World War have transformed the cultural landscape
- By 2007, over 8% of the UK population was foreign born - more than double the global average
- The UK relied on its colonies and dominions
(Canada, Australia and New Zealand) during
the Second World War. Small numbers of
colonial soldiers, such as those from the
Caribbean, stayed on in the UK after the war.
- They were also joined by economic
migrants from Jamaica, Trinidad and
Tobago, and other island colonies as
part of a deliberate policy to fill labour
shortages in sectors such as the
railways, buses and the NHS
- This was encouraged by the 1948 British
Nationality Act, which gave UK citizenship to
people from the Commonwealth.
- Migration from Commonwealth
countries was restricted by the 1962
Commonwealth immigrants act
- By 1972 it had been tightened further to allow only those
with work permits or people with grandparents and parents
born in the UK to settle here
- Location(s) within the UK
- Chinese: 47% live in London and the
Southeast. Many set up businesses in areas
without competition and so became more
geographically widespread than other groups.
- Average age is 27
- Black Caribbean: 61% live in London, with a further 17%
in the west midlands. London was often the place of arrival
in the 1950s, and an area with acute labour shortages
- Three distinct age peaks at 60, 40 and 20
- Black African: 78% live in London. A diverse range of
communities from different African nations has
developed within the capital
- Average age is 27, with 68% of working age
- Indian: Large concentrations in the west and east midlands, a
lower percentage in London than most other groups.
Geography reflects the availability of work in the 1960s.
- Close to 50% were born in the UK.
The majority are within the 20-50 age
- Pakistani: London has the largest
concentration, with the west
midlands, Yorkshire and the
northwest also high. Geography
reflects the availability of work in the
- 55% were born in the
UK; 35% are under 16 A
younger profile than the
Indian group
- Bangladeshi: Over 75% live
in London. Much of the work
for Bangladeshis initially
came from the garment
industry in east London.
- Just over half were born in the UK; the average age is 21, one of the youngest of all ethnic groups
- EU open borders
- Most national border controls within the EU were removed in 1995 when the Schengen Agreement was implemented
- This enables easier
movement of people and
goods within the EU
- Passports do not usually have to be shown at borders
- The UK did not sign,
preferring to keep its
border controls
- The new EU members in Eastern Europe implemented this agreement in 2007--8
- Schengen
bring benefits,
as EU labour
can move to
where there is
demand in one
EU country
- The EU has set up Frontex, an external border control agency, to prevent
illegal immigrants seeping in through borders with non-EU members
- The large number of Polish immigrants are part of the UK Worker Registration
Scheme for EU workers, and have come seeking work as plumbers,
builders, hotel staff or in farming and food processing
- Some sources and hosts almost balance, which is probably due to
professionals moving to the UK for several years, then returning home
- UK Net migration is down a third this year
- UK policy on
- A tough policy on asylum
seekers, accepting only
genuine applicants.
Numbers are steadily
- A points-based system which
favours those with skills,
education and earning potential
- Tier 1: Highly skilled individuals
- Tier 2: Skilled workers
with a job offer to fill gaps
in the UK labour force
- Tier 3: Limited numbers
of low-skilled workers
need to fill specific
temporary labour
- Tier 4: Students
- Tier 5: Youth mobility and
temporary workers allowed
to work in the UK for a
limited period of time
- The Worker Registration
Scheme (WRS), which allows
migrants from some Eastern
European EU states to move to
the UK to fill low-skill,
low-wage employment gaps
- Permanent residence is
granted only when migrants
have been resident in the UK for
some years, and migrants who
wish to become citizens of the
UK must pass a 'Life in the UK'
- UK business visas favour
those with money and ideas
and encourage investment
in the UK